Create a basic Booking application with a simple 'booking flow', that could be added a link to, from a product page, an order confirmation or something similar. The flow should enable the customer to choose the date and slot, on which they want to try the experience.
A single-page application was built using AngularJS, for the client side, consuming a RESTful API, built in NodeJS, that exposes the service/product basic information, the available slots/dates and booking registration. The REST API is integrated to a MongoDB database to save and query objects.
- Simple, Modular, Decoupled and Reusabable code.
- Created Angular directive for the Calendar component designed specially for booking purpose with the ability to drill down to slot selection.
- Booking flow with wizard structure using UI-Router with nested states and views, and scope inheritance.
Both the client side webapp and the server side api are independently deployable software packages.
Modules dependencies in client side:
- AngularJS
- AngularUI Router
- angular-translate
- Bootstrap 3
- Less
- Jasmine
- Karma
- Grunt
- Bower
- ngBoilerplate
Modules required in server side:
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Unit test
- Security to REST API
- Confirmation page
- Payment process
Download or clone the project with the following command:
$ git clone
Make sure Node.js is installed and then: Install MongoDB
$ brew install mongodb
Inside server folder: Install project dependencies
$ npm install
Run mongo db server
$ mongod
Then start the server
$ npm start
The first time application start, it will populate de DB with one service and some slots for this service so we can see the web app working. At the console, after 'npm start', find for '### SERVICE ID:' and get ID string for the service created.
To receive available dates for a service as a json result, use the following URL format informing serviceID and month like:
You can also filter by vacancy number using '?quantity' parameter.
To receive available slots in a day for a service as a json result, use the following URL format informing serviceID and date like:
Filtering by vacancy number ('quantity' parameter) is optional. If not informed it will get with at least on vacancy.
Make sure Node.js is installed and then: Inside client folder:
Install project dependencies
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ npm install
Grunt you build and keep watching your project during development:
$ grunt watch
Start the server
$ npm start
Open on your browser: