- Set env variables so the server knows its own address (for callbacks)
- Install nodejs
- Install dependancies (enumerated in package.json);
- Run the server:
export SM_DPD_SERVER_ROOT=address.to.your.server.tld
export SM_APIKEY=your_gupshup_api_key
cd gupshup-demo
npm install
node production.js
Then point your browser to: http://localhost:2403/ or address.to.your.server.tld
Setting up the add to slack button: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12D95bidpp84Ph0TS80aKr8bn3nQtfWExt1GiRSDjCqA/edit
/node_modules - dependancies, listed in package.json. /production.js - the runscript where global and env variables are set /public - where the static assets are - index.html is accessable at /index.html /dpd.js - this project relies on the deployd.com framework. dpd.js presents tools for interacting with the REST api's from html. Otherwise they are all open.
/resources - these are all accessable at http://localhost:2403/dashboard - they provide REST endpoints at /resource_name - for example, /resources/form/get.js is accessable via GET request to http://localhost:2403/form?query_key=value or from the front end or other resources by calling the method dpd.form.get({query_key:value}) - In the above example, the variable query_key is available from within /resources/form/get.js as the variable query.query_key