Variant of the B-cell algorithm (BCA) in comparison to Andrej Karpathy's NES code for reinforcement learning
I came across an implementation of Natural Evolution Strategies (NES), and thought I would use a variant of the B-cell algorithm (BCA) to see how the algorithm performs on the same problem.
This notebook was inspired by Jovan Sardinha's excellent repo:
which was in turn inspired by the one-&-only Andrej Karpathy's code found at
The general idea of the original code, by Karpathy and Sardinha, is to apply evolutionary strategies in the context of reinforcement learning. Further details can be found at:
It seemed likely that the other nature-inspired algorithms could also be used in this problem domain, so I designed a variant of the BCA which could be used on a GPU (for pretty obvious perfomance reasons!).
This is the original BCA paper:
Kelsey J, Timmis J. Immune inspired somatic contiguous hypermutation for function optimisation Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2003); 2003. July 12–16; Chicago, USA: Springer; 2003: 207–218
There are a number of other papers on the BCA, & related nature-inspired algorithms, which you can google if you're interested.