Javascript functions that make it easier to build simple graphs with D3.
Load jQuery, D3, and Zatanna's CSS and JS.
<script src="jquery-2.1.1.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="zatanna.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<link href="zatanna.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
If you'll be making pie charts, you also should load d3Pie.
<script src="d3pie.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Currently, you can use Zatanna to create line charts and pie charts.
Build a line chart using D3. (Based upon Michael Bostock's line chart example.)
var typed = [{"date":"2014-01-01","count":43},{"date":"2014-01-02","count":23},{"date":"2014-01-03","count":133},{"date":"2014-01-04","count":223},{"date":"2014-01-05","count":13},{"date":"2014-01-09","count":235}];
d3LineChart("#chart", typed, "Keys Typed", {xAxisIsDates: true, yTicks: 7});
function d3LineChart(targetSelector, data, yAxisLabel, options)
- targetSelector: String. The selector (#id or .class or combination) to put the SVG element in.
- data: Array. The data array, see below for expected format.
- yAxisLabel: String. Label for the yAxis. Optional, and can also be set to "".
- options: hash. Optional hash of options. See below for accepted options.
d3LineChart expects an array of hashes, with index "date" for the X axis, and "count" for the Y:w xis.
var typed = [
Shown as Option Name (default value).
- margin_top (25), margin_right (20), margin_bottom (30), margin_left (60)
- width (950)
- height (400)
- yTicks (10) Number of ticks to try to fit data to. Value is passed to d3's axis.ticks(); documentation.
- xGrid (true) Show light gray lines for each tick on the X axis.
- yGrid (true) Show light gray lines for each tick on the Y axis.
- labelDataPoints (true) Show the data value next to each point. (If you have dense data, you may want to turn this off.)
- xAxisTicks (no default) Force ticks of a certain duration, eg 1 month, rather than daily. Must be passed as a hash with keys "interval" and "amount". e.g.:
{"interval": d3.time.month, "amount": 1}
d3Pie already makes it pretty easy to build a pie chart, and this function simplifies things a bit further.
var ages = {'18-29': 173, '30-49': 231, '50-64': 81, '65+': 1};
d3PieChart("#ages", ages, {title: "Age", width: 480, height: 300});
function d3PieChart(targetSelector, data, options)
- targetSelector: String. The selector (#id or .class or combination) to put the SVG element in.
- data: Array. The data array, see below for expected format.
- options: hash. Optional hash of options. See below for accepted options.
Will accept data in any of the following formats:
{family: 213, roommates: 32, kids: 178, alone: 57 }
{'18-29': 173, '30-49': 231, '50-64': 81, '65+': 0}
{green: 10, yellow: 26, red: 33}
(You will probably want to include"stoplight": "true"
in the options, too.)
Shown as Option Name (default value).
- width (320)
- height (320)
Also note that you can add ANY option which d3Pie accepts, and it will be passed to the d3Pie call. (e.g.: "size": { "pieInnerRadius": "90%"}
Build a bar chart using D3. (Based upon Michael Bostock's bar chart example.)
var votes = {"Superman":9321, "Captain America":1942, "Luke Skywalker":1138, "Master Chief":343};
d3BarChart("#heroes", votes, {title: "Votes", width: 480, height: 300});
function d3BarChart(targetSelector, data, options)
- targetSelector: String. The selector (#id or .class or combination) to put the SVG element in.
- data: Array. The data array, see below for expected format.
- options: hash. Optional hash of options. See below for accepted options.
d3BarChart expects at minimum a hash, with each key being the label, and the value being the number to create a bar for.
var votes = {"Superman":9321, "Captain America":1942, "Luke Skywalker":1138, "Master Chief":343};
You can also overide the default bar color by turning the value into a hash, and providing the color and bar value in the inner hash:
var votes = [
"Superman": {
"value": 9321,
"color": "red"
Support is also provided to show a left and/or right symbol, next to each bar. This allows you to provide context. (e.g.: Value last year, Recommendation, Typical, Average, etc)
var votes = {
"Superman": {
"value": 9321,
"leftSymbol": {
"value": 8324,
"label": "Last year",
"shape": "triangle"
"Captain America": {
"value": 1942,
"leftSymbol": {
"value": 1948,
"label": "Last year",
"shape": "triangle"
That can also be simplified: instead of specifying the label and shape repeatedly, they can be provided in the options
var votes = {
"Superman": {
"value": 9321,
"leftSymbol": { "value": 8324 }
"Captain America": {
"value": 1942,
"leftSymbol": { "value": 1948 }
title: "Votes",
width: 480,
height: 300,
"leftSymbol": {"label": "Last year", "shape": "triangle"}
Finally, both symbols also accept the value passed bare, like so:
var votes = {
"Superman": {
"value": 9321,
"leftSymbol": 8324,
"rightSymbol": 5000
"Captain America": {
"value": 1942,
"leftSymbol": 1948,
"rightSymbol": 1012
title: "Votes",
width: 480,
height: 300,
"leftSymbol": {"label": "Last year", "shape": "triangle"},
"rightSymbol": {"label": "Two years ago"}
Shown as Option Name (default value).
- margin_top (20), margin_right (20), margin_bottom (30), margin_left (40)
- width (950)
- height (400)
- yTicks (10) Number of ticks to try to fit data to. Value is passed to d3's axis.ticks().
- yAxisTitle ("") Title to display on the y-axis.
- defaultBarColor ("steelblue") The default color for the bars.
- leftSymbol: Default options for the left symbols. Settings on individual datapoints will override the defaults. Symbols are only shown if values are provided.
- shape (triangle) Supported shapes are "triangle", "circle", "square", and "cross".
- color (gray) Can be a named color or a hexcode.
- width (8) Icons are essentially square, so width will also be height.
- showLine (true) If true, draws a dashed line across the bar, at the height of the symbol. Helps make it easier to compare bar and symbol values.
- lineDashing ("8, 2") Pattern to draw dashed line. "8, 2" means 8 pixels of line, 2 pixels of space, repeated.
- rightSymbol: Default options for the right symbols. Settings on individual datapoints will override the defaults. Symbols are only shown if values are provided.
- shape (circle) Supported shapes are "triangle", "circle", "square", and "cross".
- color (gray) Can be a named color or a hexcode.
- width (8) Icons are essentially square, so width will also be height.
- showLine (true) If true, draws a dashed line across the bar, at the height of the symbol. Helps make it easier to compare bar and symbol values.
- lineDashing ("4, 2") Pattern to draw dashed line. "4, 2" means 4 pixels of line, 2 pixels of space, repeated.
- Support multiple series of data on line chart.
- Needs to support specifying the colors for each series.
- Needs to have default colors for each series.
- Check to make sure jQuery has loaded, and show errors if not.
- Use jQuery.getScript() to automatically load d3pie. Show error if it is not found.
- Add tooltips to bar chart and line chart, default to showing tool tips and not showing labels. (Automatically load the d3-tip library using jQuery.getScript().)