This repo is incomplete. It's suitable for the very few users it has, but requires more work for a wider release. There are so many templating solutions out there. If you want to use this one, get in touch; if there's enough demand, I'll do more on it.
A compiled-template engine that supports backbone and should eventually support many reactive frameworks. It supports reactivity while still using natural HTML syntax.
There are still a number of missing features.
There's a usage example in example.html, but here's a template and a couple of example usages:
<li class="before">This is before the list</li>
<li foreach="{{blah}}" class="{{class}} within" onclick="{{click}}">{{name}}</li>
<li class="after">This is after the list</li>
var template = Platter.Plain.compile(ttext);
var data = {title: "This is the title", blah: []};
for (var i=0;Math.random()*5>i;++i)
data.blah.push({class:'row'+i, name:'Name '+Math.random(), click:function(){alert(1);}});
var els =;
var template = Platter.Dynamic.compile(ttext);
var data = new Backbone.Model();
data.set({title: "This is the title"});
data.blah = new Backbone.Collection();
for (var i=0;Math.random()*5>i;++i) {
var row = new Backbone.Model();
row.set({class:'row'+i, name:'Name '+Math.random()});{alert(2);};
var els =;
To safely remove the template and all of the effects, including the all of the event handlers, call the undo method of the result:
var t =;