A simple addon that contains the 3 following lists:
- all the countries in ISO and name format (ie: US - United States).
- the countries without ZIP Code.
- the countries with states.
Three helpers are also available:
- Country ISO to name.
- Is country with state.
- Is country without ZIP Code.
ember install ember-countries
// lists of countries
import {countries, countriesWithoutZip, countriesWithState} from 'ember-countries';
import {countryIsoToValue, isCountryWithState, isCountryWithoutZip} from 'ember-countries';
// How to use lists
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
countriesList: countries,
// Example that is using countryIsoToValue
countryIsoToValue('FR'); // -> 'France'
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
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PRs welcome!