sudo cpan Net::IRC
sudo cpan Time::Unix
sudo cpan Time:HiRes
sudo cpan DBD::SQLite
sudo cpan IO::Socket::SSL
sudo cpan Net::FTP
additional ssl wrapper to be able to connect to ssl ircd - as perl irc module cannot handle ssl itself properly
stunnel -> winsslwrap -> use google .)
- removed mysql support - replaced by sqlite - db is now hold in a single file - no mysql-server neccessary
- additional_searchdirs and sorted_mp3 now supports a koma-separated list of paths
- lots of bugfixes with error-replies from ftpd (file-exists, out-of-space and so on)
- and again improvements and bugfixes for !pre gimme/search-routines
- rewrote !pre showstats
- install all needed perl-modules - check if sqlite is installed and running
- edit the config-file, setup all ip's / ports for ircd
- start the bot - setup ur sites ..
!sites help:
!sites status: shows up/down-status of all sites
!sites show SITE: shows added details for SITE
!sites add SITE: adds new (empty) record for a new site - fill data with !sites set SITE parameter values
!sites del SITE: deletes the site from the database
!sites set SITE param values: sets the detailed information for the site record:
- sitename STRING: real sitename
- status STRING: up/down-status of the site
- bnc STRING: ip:port,ip:port,ip:port - sets all bncs
- presite INT: 0/1 - site is presite (or not)
- dump INT: 0/1 - site is dumpsite (or not)
- dump_path STRING: full path to the sites incoming/request dir
- sorted_mp3 STRING: full path to the sites mp3-sorted-by-artist dir
- today_dir STRING: full path to the sites mp3-today dir
- prepath STRING: full path to the groups pre-dir
- precommand STRING: command to pre there - like 'pre RELEASENAME mp3'
- ssl_status STRING: nope/auth - sets if ssl is needed or not
- login STRING: prebots login
- passwd STRING: prebots passwd
- source_sites STRING: sites to use as source for spreading/gimme (sorted list like 'SITE1,SITE2...')
- logins INT: max logins (with allowed download) - usually 2
- speed_index INT: 1-255, the higher the more important for the global spread or gimme process
!pre help:
!pre test SITE: tests login and predir, tries all bnc's, if no sitename is given, it checks all sites
- if site is a presite then it checks the predir, if site is a dumpsite then it checks dump-path, if site is external source then only login-test is made
!pre status: shows up/down-status of all sites
- sorted by site-categories (presite, dumpsite, sourcesite)
!pre sysinfo - shows system information / overview
- pls notice: total fxp amounts are from current database-values, if u delete sites - then the statistic changes .)
!pre show SITE: shows added details for SITE
- same command as !sites show SITE
- login/passwd is never shown
- bncs are only shown for presites
!pre speeds SITE: shows avg speeds from/to other sites (gets updated with every fxp process) - or total amound of traffic if no sitename is given
- this list isnt sorted .)
!pre showstats SITE: tries to show the bot's stats on SITE, if no sitename is given, it checks all sites
- tries to collect stats (credits, ratio in predir, section) - matches only on a few standard-statlines
!pre check SITE RELEASE: checks if RELEASE is complete and ok on SITE
- a release is complete if it has a sfv + a nfo + one or more mp3 files + a site-complete-tag + no mp3-missing tag
!pre checkall RELEASE: checks if RELEASE is complete and ok on all sites
- release has to be complete on all sites + sum of mp3 files (filesizes) must be the same on all sites
!pre prelist SITE RELEASE: shows releases laying in predir on SITE (or all sites), or content of RELEASE in predir
- that command only lists the directory - it doesnt check if these rels laying there are completed
!pre dirlist SITE DIRECTORY SEARCHPHRASE: shows files and folders matching searchphrase (if given)
- just a basic dirlist, but you can filter the output --> !pre dirlist XXX /today NUKED-
!pre fxp SITE1 SITE2 RELEASE: fxp's a release from SITE1 to SITE2 (from predir to predir)
- only works for files / releases that are laying in the predirs
- can fxp a release or a file, if its a release - then it must be complete
!pre chainfxp SITE1 SITE2 .. SITEx RELEASE: fxp's a release chained from SITE1 to SITE2, SITE2 to SITE3 and so on (from predir to predir, if no RELEASE given, it transfers complete predir
- can fxp a release or a file or if none given it simply fxps all releases found in the predirs
- works like a chain - from site1 to site2 to site3 to sitex
!pre spreadfxp SITE1 SITE2 .. SITEx RELEASE: fxp\'s a release from SITE1 to SITE2, SITE1 to SITE3 and so on (from predir to predir, if no RELEASE given, it transfers complete predir
- can fxp a release or a file or if none given it simply fxps all releases found in the predirs
- uses site1 as source for all other sites, so it fxps from site1 to site2, then from site1 to site3 ..
!pre spread RELEASE: spreads the release automatically to all sites to prepare a pre
- checks all sites and searches the ones where the release is laying and is complete
- uses source_sites and speed_index and num_logins to calculate speed-paths to fxp the release from all available sites to all sites missing the release
!pre trade RELEASE GENRE: tries to trade RELEASE from current daydir to all sites that match the rulesets
- can be used to fxp a release directly after the pre to other sites and/or archives/dumps, u can define several filters - check the config-file
!pre speedtest SITE FILE: takes a FILE from SITE and fxps to all presites to test speeds (removes after fxp)
- place mp3 file (at least 5mb) in the predir of SITE, it will take it and checks all speeds from/to all other sites
!pre fxps: shows all currently running fxp processes (spread, gimme, fxp and so on)
- list isnt sorted nor is there any ETA shown ..
!pre reset: stops spread and resets the bot
- kills fxps and spreads
!pre kill SITE: kills an existing connection to SITE
- works only with glftpd
!pre pre RELEASE RELEASERNAME GENRE: finally pre's the release on all sites that are up, registers for user 'releasername'
- connects to all presites, checks if release is complete, sends all sites on wait, then it sends a broadcast that pre's on all sites exactly at the same time (the site-pre-command is sent to all sites within very few millisecs)
!pre del SITE RELEASE: tries to delete the RELEASE on SITE
!pre delall RELEASE: tries to delete the RELEASE on all sites
!pre delnfo SITE RELEASE: tries to delete the RELEASE on SITE
!pre delallnfo RELEASE: tries to delete the RELEASE on all sites
!pre updnfo SITE RELEASE: tries update nfo for RELEASE on all sites (updates release-date in nfo + takes nfo from source SITE if given)
- checks all sites (alphabetical list) - searches nfo file for the release - downloads it - replaces the date in the nfo file - and uses that new nfo as source for all sites to replace the old nfo file
!pre search SITENAME RELEASE: searches the release on SITE (or all sites if no sitename given), checks if its really there (max 10 results per site)
- tries to find the release on the site using following methods:
- uses site-search
- uses site-dupe
- uses sorted-by-artist dirs
- uses sorted-by-artist/various dirs
- uses today-dir
!pre gimme SOURCE DESTINATION RELEASE: searches for RELEASE on SOURCE or all added sites and delivers to SITE (use !pre gimmeHELP first
- tries to find the release on all sites - keeps the fastest source-sites for the destination site, then it fxps from max number of sites at the same to destination
!pre gimmeHELP: shows available source-sites and destination-sites for GIMME
- short info what sites/dumps/sources are up
!pre dupe keyword1 keyword2 ... keyword5 : makes a dupecheck
- see config file
!pre tracks RELEASE : lists all tracks in RELEASE
- see config file
!pre tracksearch TRACK : lists all releases containing TRACK
- see config file
!pre ginfo SITE: checks creds (ginfo+user) for all added users in your group on SITE
- works only if prebot-slot is gadmin .)
!pre cmd SITE command param1 param2.. : sends raw command to site
- u can define the allowed raw-commands in the config-file
!archive help: !archive status: shows up/down-status of all sites - sorted by site-categories (presite, dumpsite, sourcesite)
!archive scan site startdir: scans the archive, creates new index file
- scans a site, creates a new index file - that gets used for advanced archive search
!archive search keyword1 keyword2 .. keywordx: searches index-files for releases matching the keywords, u can get the rels with the !pre gimme command
- searches in all index-files for a release matching your keywords
!archive stopscan: stops a currently running scan
- aborts a scan, writes the index file for all rels found so far
bugs: - not all commands work properly with other ftpd's than glftpd -> dont use such crap ftpd's