A Django project with samples code strictly DRY (DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF)
Pre popolated database.
- Super Admin Account Django Admin:
- username: admin
- password: admin (ALL USERS)
CRUD are operations that most project implements. Django Rest Framework can be used for this purpose, to develop Rest API Endpoint.
- viewsets.ModelViewSet Use this class if you want enable to consume all CRUD operations
- viewsets.GenericViewSet Use these classes to enable only some CRUD operations.
- viewsets.ViewSet Use this class if you want enable to consume all CRUD operations
- Simple queries
- Advanced queries
- Validations Model layer
- Write Validations logic into Model.clean() that check model fields data integrity. If call Model.save() from Model.Form, Model.Serializer, ModelAdmin object MUST BE validated before saved into db.
- Warnings
- pre_save_full_clean_handler model.full_clean() is not called by default when invoke Model.save() method ISSUE
- django_error_handler Improve conversion from exceptions.ValidationError() to serializer.ValidationError()
- Validations View layer
- Write Validations logic into ModelSerializer.validate() and ModelForms.clean() YES NOT DRY 😅 that check model fields data integrity using view parameters as request, that aren't accessible into Model class.
- Single row
- Nested ForeignKey
- Validations Model layer
- Warnings
- UpdateModelQuerySet Add this Mixing for prevent update not call Model.save() method. Unfortunately, there isn’t a workaround when creating or updating objects in bulk, since none of save(), pre_save, and post_save are called.
- Warnings
- Validations Model layer
- Write Validations logic into signals.pre_delete
- Validations View layer
- Write Validations logic into viewsets.destroy() YES NOT DRY 😅 that check model fields data integrity using view parameters as request, that aren't accessible into Model/Signal class.
- Validations Model layer
Utils folder can be used to store utils method/class
- Create for each plugin, one utils file
Client_PageNumberPagination class can be used to enable client custom pagination size.
Get 20 items at time, get page=1 (default)<url>?page=2
Get the page number, get page_size=10 (default)<url>?page_size=20&page=2
Get 20 items at time, get page=2
Debug_BrowsableAPIRenderer class can be used to use browsable api ONLY into DEBUG MODE.