Full writeup for this project is here: https://github.com/githubocto/good-day-bot
Good Day is a Slack bot that pings users every day and asks how their day was. It depends on these Azure functions for cron job tasks.
brew tap azure/functions && brew install azure-functions-core-tools@3
Create a
with the following content:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "", // get automatically from VSCode Debug panel
"GH_API_KEY": "YOUR PAT GOES HERE", // get from good-day-bot account on GitHub
"PG_CONN_STRING": "", // get from 1 password using table goodday
"SLACKBOT_API_URL": "https://octo-devex.ngrok.io" or "https://octo-good-day-bot.azurewebsites.net/",
"AZURE_FUNCTIONS_ID": "", // API Key ID for slack server
"AZURE_FUNCTIONS_SECRET": "" // API Key secret for slack server
In VSCode go to the Debug panel and click on
Attach to Node Functions
then select the Azure storage account to use for debuggingoctogooddaystorage
. -
npm install
npm run watch
andnpm run start
in another tab
Deployment to the production app happens automatically when pushing to main by using a GitHub Action specified in .github/workflows/good-day.yaml
Or use the Azure Functions for dev testing work.
In both cases you also have to set the env
variables for the Azure app through the app's configuration panel.