A web component button to trigger a WebLN payment request. The easiest and fastest way for your website visitors to send you sats.
Lightning invoices can either be automatically be generates through a LUNRL-pay Lightning Address or the payment can be sent as a keysend payment.
Have a look at the docs and examples.
Install dependencies:
npm i
This sample uses the TypeScript compiler to produce JavaScript that runs in modern browsers.
To build the JavaScript version of your component:
npm run build
To watch files and rebuild when the files are modified, run the following command in a separate shell:
npm run build:watch
Both the TypeScript compiler and lit-analyzer are configured to be very strict. You may want to change tsconfig.json
to make them less strict.
This project uses @web/dev-server for previewing the project without additional build steps. Web Dev Server handles resolving Node-style "bare" import specifiers, which aren't supported in browsers. It also automatically transpiles JavaScript and adds polyfills to support older browsers. See modern-web.dev's Web Dev Server documentation for more information.
To run the dev server and open the project in a new browser tab:
npm run serve
There is a development HTML file located at /dev/index.html
that you can view at http://localhost:8000/dev/index.html. Note that this command will serve your code using Lit's development mode (with more verbose errors). To serve your code against Lit's production mode, use npm run serve:prod
Generate the /docs
website from the docs-src
npm run docs
To serve the site locally, run:
npm run docs:serve
The site will usually be served at http://localhost:8000.