Website to browse Linked Data vocabularies (HTML, JQuery) for SKOS/RDF thesauri for the project GeoERA ( This website provides a semantic navigation, view and search of SKOS concepts.
- This project is not ready to deploy by installation packages!
- hardcoded urls for the details site or endpoints for Sparql queries
- adapted to the GBA Thesaurus vocabularies
- Javascript coding to be revised (conventions, best practices)!
- HTML5, CSS, Javascript, ES6, JQuery
- Fuse.js for fuzzy search -
- Bootstrap
- see the file for details
- Martin Schiegl - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Project GeoERA (
The project GeoERA GIP-P WP4 initiates, designs, tests the development of vocabulary data within the framework of the GeoERA IP project, which is to support GeoERA projects. This includes suggestions for a technical infrastructure for sustainable data storage, the organization of governance and maintenance of the vocabularies, as well as the technical possibilities of coding data sets with vocabulary (e.g. within the EGDI metadata catalogue). The supported use cases are “Multilingual Semantic Text Search” and “GeoERA project vocabularies” via Linked Open Data and SKOS/RDF.
If you use scientific concepts, terms or names in your GeoERA project, very often there is a need to clarify cross border terminology. You may deliver these concepts to the GeoERA Information Platform - together with synonymous or related terms, multilingual translations, short descriptions (2 lines), source references (e.g. bibliographic citation or DOIs), references to other websites or online resources (e.g. images, web-services, data stores, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.). You will get back an ID (URI, a resolvable HTTP web address) for each single term to index your data. It will be possible to integrate all this information (e.g. multilingual translations) live in a web application, project portal or a simple webpage via a web service (SPARQL endpoint). Of course, this online information is also reusable for all other future applications or projects. It is used to build a GeoERA knowledge base with crosslinks to other resources published in the web (via Linked Open Data). This system for "GeoERA project vocabularies" is also part of EGDI (European geological data infrastructure) and is used where no standardized code lists (e.g. INSPIRE, or GeoSciML) are applicable. Examples for such scientific concepts could be names of geologic formations, descriptive texts in geological maps, geological cross sections, named fault systems, groundwater bodies, named mineral deposits, regional or historical names of time-periods, and so on. The achievement by using Linked Open Data technology is to manage loosely or semi structured data like descriptive and heterogeneous information, which is not possible to integrate in relational database systems. Other benefits of using Linked Open Data are a flexible integration of data from different sources plus context, common global identifiers (URIs), open and web based accessibility.