This module allows you to create Puppet Facts using Puppet code or your Hiera backend.
This can be useful to document your machines or even your Puppet classes. A class could for example create it's own Fact, which when queried by a different class, could determine if the class has been applied to the machine or any other state that might be interesting to report.
In your Hiera YAML, do something like:
facts::external::instance: { server_comment: { value: "Dont reboot me!" } }
value: "Dont reboot me!"
The Defined Type is available as facts::external, allowing your Puppet classes to create arbitrary Puppet Facts. e.g.
facts::instance { 'mypuppetclass_applied':
value => true,
facts::instance { 'mypuppetclass_applied_timestamp':
value => strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
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