This is a simple tool in NodeJS to convert GO-CAMs from their TTL format to the SIF format. Two SIF archives are currently generated.
In this format, the SIF simplifies the GO-CAMs to only highlight the relationships between Gene Products. As a consequence, GO-CAMs having only 1 Gene Product won't have a SIF as it would consist of a single node.
In this format, the SIF is extended to represent the actual relationships present in the original GO-CAM model.
- Check nodejs is installed, if not, go to NodeJS
- Clone this repository and run
npm install
- Then run
node ttl2sif.js <gocam:ttl:folder> <sif:output:folder> <sif:output:zip>
- should be run on the TTL folder containing production GO-CAMs
- extracting the production GO-CAMs can be done using the following shell command: