This repository contains the code for gathering data needed by the Garden Linux Security Tracker glvd to process vulnerability requests from users.
Currently, data for the following distributions is collected:
- Debian Buster
- Debian Bulleye
- Debian Bookworm
- Debian Trixie
- Garden Linux today
Download the apt sources index file with the help of this container image:
podman build -t sources-index-downloader -f Containerfile.apt-source
podman run localhost/sources-index-downloader:latest > package-list
With this file, you can run the debsrc parser like so:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
poetry install
python3 -m package-list
podman network create glvd
podman run -it --rm --name=glvd-postgres --network=glvd --publish 5432:5432 --env POSTGRES_USER=glvd --env POSTGRES_DB=glvd --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=glvd
podman run -it --rm --network=glvd --env PGHOST=glvd-postgres
Configure the postgres db credentials (PG..
env vars)
export PGUSER=glvd
export PGDATABASE=glvd
export PGPASSWORD=glvd
export PGHOST=localhost
export PGPORT=5432
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
poetry install
python3 -m gardenlinux today path/to/package-list
python3 -m
(Replace today
with the version, like 1443