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Operators in the GAML language are used to compose complex expressions. An operator performs a function on one, two, or n operands (which are other expressions and thus may be themselves composed of operators) and returns the result of this function.
Most of them use a classical prefixed functional syntax (i.e. operator_name(operand1, operand2, operand3)
, see below), with the exception of arithmetic (e.g. +
, /
), logical (and
, or
), comparison (e.g. >
, <
), access (.
, [..]
) and pair (::
) operators, which require an infixed notation (i.e. operand1 operator_symbol operand1
The ternary functional if-else operator, ? :
, uses a special infixed syntax composed with two symbols (e.g. operand1 ? operand2 : operand3
). Two unary operators (-
and !
) use a traditional prefixed syntax that does not require parentheses unless the operand is itself a complex expression (e.g. - 10
, ! (operand1 or operand2)
Finally, special constructor operators ({...}
for constructing points, [...]
for constructing lists and maps) will require their operands to be placed between their two symbols (e.g. {1,2,3}
, [operand1, operand2, ..., operandn]
or [key1::value1, key2::value2... keyn::valuen]
With the exception of these special cases above, the following rules apply to the syntax of operators:
- if they only have one operand, the functional prefixed syntax is mandatory (e.g.
) - if they have two arguments, either the functional prefixed syntax (e.g.
operator_name(operand1, operand2)
) or the infixed syntax (e.g.operand1 operator_name operand2
) can be used. - if they have more than two arguments, either the functional prefixed syntax (e.g.
operator_name(operand1, operand2, ..., operand)
) or a special infixed syntax with the first operand on the left-hand side of the operator name (e.g.operand1 operator_name(operand2, ..., operand)
) can be used.
All of these alternative syntaxes are completely equivalent.
Operators in GAML are purely functional, i.e. they are guaranteed to not have any side effects on their operands. For instance, the shuffle
operator, which randomizes the positions of elements in a list, does not modify its list operand but returns a new shuffled list.
The priority of operators determines, in the case of complex expressions composed of several operators, which one(s) will be evaluated first.
GAML follows in general the traditional priorities attributed to arithmetic, boolean, comparison operators, with some twists. Namely:
- the constructor operators, like
, used to compose pairs of operands, have the lowest priority of all operators (e.g.a > b :: b > c
will return a pair of boolean values, which means that the two comparisons are evaluated before the operator applies. Similarly,[a > 10, b > 5]
will return a list of boolean values. - it is followed by the
operator, the functional if-else (e.g.a > b ? a + 10 : a - 10
will return the result of the if-else). - next are the logical operators,
(e.g.a > b or b > c
will return the value of the test) - next are the comparison operators (i.e.
) - next the arithmetic operators in their logical order (multiplicative operators have a higher priority than additive operators)
- next the unary operators
- next the access operators
(e.g.{1,2,3}.x > 20 + {4,5,6}.y
will return the result of the comparison between the x and y ordinates of the two points) - and finally the functional operators, which have the highest priority of all.
Actions defined in species can be used as operators, provided they are called on the correct agent. The syntax is that of normal functional operators, but the agent that will perform the action must be added as the first operand.
For instance, if the following species is defined:
species spec1 {
int min(int x, int y) {
return x > y ? x : y;
Any agent instance of spec1 can use min
as an operator (if the action conflicts with an existing operator, a warning will be emitted). For instance, in the same model, the following line is perfectly acceptable:
global {
init {
create spec1;
spec1 my_agent <- spec1[0];
int the_min <- my_agent min(10,20); // or min(my_agent, 10, 20);
If the action doesn't have any operands, the syntax to use is my_agent the_action()
. Finally, if it does not return a value, it might still be used but is considering as returning a value of type unknown
(e.g. unknown result <- my_agent the_action(op1, op2);
Note that due to the fact that actions are written by modelers, the general functional contract is not respected in that case: actions might perfectly have side effects on their operands (including the agent).
box, cone3D, cube, cylinder, hexagon, pyramid, set_z, sphere, teapot,
-, /, ^, *, +, abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cos_rad, div, even, exp, fact, floor, hypot, is_finite, is_number, ln, log, mod, round, signum, sin, sin_rad, sqrt, tan, tan_rad, tanh, with_precision,
add_values, and, eval_when, get_about, get_agent, get_agent_cause, get_belief_op, get_belief_with_name_op, get_beliefs_op, get_beliefs_with_name_op, get_current_intention_op, get_decay, get_desire_op, get_desire_with_name_op, get_desires_op, get_desires_with_name_op, get_dominance, get_familiarity, get_ideal_op, get_ideal_with_name_op, get_ideals_op, get_ideals_with_name_op, get_intensity, get_intention_op, get_intention_with_name_op, get_intentions_op, get_intentions_with_name_op, get_lifetime, get_liking, get_modality, get_obligation_op, get_obligation_with_name_op, get_obligations_op, get_obligations_with_name_op, get_plan_name, get_predicate, get_solidarity, get_strength, get_super_intention, get_trust, get_truth, get_uncertainties_op, get_uncertainties_with_name_op, get_uncertainty_op, get_uncertainty_with_name_op, get_values, has_belief_op, has_belief_with_name_op, has_desire_op, has_desire_with_name_op, has_ideal_op, has_ideal_with_name_op, has_intention_op, has_intention_with_name_op, has_obligation_op, has_obligation_with_name_op, has_uncertainty_op, has_uncertainty_with_name_op, new_emotion, new_mental_state, new_predicate, new_social_link, not, or, set_about, set_agent, set_agent_cause, set_decay, set_dominance, set_familiarity, set_intensity, set_lifetime, set_liking, set_modality, set_predicate, set_solidarity, set_strength, set_trust, set_truth, with_values,
as, as_int, as_matrix, field_with, font, is, is_skill, list_with, matrix_with, species_of, to_gaml, to_geojson, to_list, with_size, with_style,
-, /, *, +, blend, brewer_colors, brewer_palettes, gradient, grayscale, hsb, mean, median, palette, rgb, rnd_color, scale, sum, to_hsb,
-, ::, +, accumulate, all_match, among, as_json_string, at, cartesian_product, collect, contains, contains_all, contains_any, contains_key, count, empty, every, first, first_with, get, group_by, in, index_by, inter, interleave, internal_integrated_value, last, last_with, length, max, max_of, mean, mean_of, median, min, min_of, mul, none_matches, one_matches, one_of, product_of, range, remove_duplicates, reverse, shuffle, sort_by, split, split_in, split_using, sum, sum_of, union, variance_of, where, with_max_of, with_min_of,
-, !=, +, <, <=, =, >, >=, after, before, between, every, milliseconds_between, minus_days, minus_hours, minus_minutes, minus_months, minus_ms, minus_weeks, minus_years, months_between, plus_days, plus_hours, plus_minutes, plus_months, plus_ms, plus_weeks, plus_years, since, to, until, years_between,
agent_file, copy_file, crs, csv_file, delete_file, dxf_file, evaluate_sub_model, file_exists, folder, folder_exists, gaml_file, geojson_file, get, gif_file, gml_file, graph6_file, graphdimacs_file, graphdot_file, graphgexf_file, graphgml_file, graphml_file, graphtsplib_file, grid_file, image_file, is_agent, is_csv, is_dxf, is_gaml, is_geojson, is_gif, is_gml, is_graph6, is_graphdimacs, is_graphdot, is_graphgexf, is_graphgml, is_graphml, is_graphtsplib, is_grid, is_image, is_json, is_obj, is_osm, is_pgm, is_property, is_shape, is_simulation, is_svg, is_text, is_threeds, is_xml, json_file, new_folder, obj_file, osm_file, pgm_file, property_file, read, rename_file, shape_file, simulation_file, step_sub_model, svg_file, text_file, threeds_file, unzip, writable, xml_file, zip,
add_edge, add_node, adjacency, agent_from_geometry, all_pairs_shortest_path, alpha_index, as_distance_graph, as_edge_graph, as_intersection_graph, as_path, as_spatial_graph, beta_index, betweenness_centrality, biggest_cliques_of, connected_components_of, connectivity_index, contains_edge, contains_vertex, degree_of, directed, edge, edge_between, edge_betweenness, edges, gamma_index, generate_barabasi_albert, generate_complete_graph, generate_random_graph, generate_watts_strogatz, girvan_newman_clustering, grid_cells_to_graph, in_degree_of, in_edges_of, k_spanning_tree_clustering, label_propagation_clustering, layout_circle, layout_force, layout_force_FR, layout_force_FR_indexed, layout_grid, load_shortest_paths, main_connected_component, max_flow_between, maximal_cliques_of, nb_cycles, neighbors_of, node, nodes, out_degree_of, out_edges_of, path_between, paths_between, predecessors_of, remove_node_from, rewire_n, source_of, spatial_graph, strahler, successors_of, sum, target_of, undirected, use_cache, weight_of, with_k_shortest_path_algorithm, with_shortest_path_algorithm, with_weights,
as_4_grid, as_grid, as_hexagonal_grid, cell_at, cells_in, cells_overlapping, field, grid_at, neighbors_of, path_between, points_in, values_in,
*, antialiased, blend, blurred, brighter, clipped_with, darker, grayscale, horizontal_flip, image, matrix, rotated_by, sharpened, snapshot, tinted_with, vertical_flip, with_height, with_size, with_width,
accumulate, all_match, as_map, collect, count, create_map, first_with, frequency_of, group_by, index_by, last_with, max_of, mean_of, min_of, none_matches, one_matches, product_of, sort_by, sum_of, variance_of, where, where, where, with_max_of, with_min_of,
all_indexes_of, copy_between, index_of, last_index_of,
:, !, ?, add_3Dmodel, add_geometry, add_icon, and, or, xor,
fuzzy_kappa, fuzzy_kappa_sim, kappa, kappa_sim, percent_absolute_deviation,
as_map, create_map, index_of, last_index_of,
-, /, ., *, +, append_horizontally, append_vertically, column_at, columns_list, determinant, eigenvalues, flatten, index_of, inverse, last_index_of, row_at, rows_list, shuffle, trace, transpose,
electre_DM, evidence_theory_DM, fuzzy_choquet_DM, promethee_DM, weighted_means_DM,
agent_from_geometry, all_pairs_shortest_path, as_path, load_shortest_paths, max_flow_between, path_between, path_to, paths_between, use_cache,
-, /, *, +, <, <=, >, >=, add_point, angle_between, any_location_in, centroid, closest_points_with, farthest_point_to, grid_at, norm, points_along, points_at, points_on,
binomial, exp_density, exp_rnd, flip, gamma_density, gamma_rnd, gamma_trunc_rnd, gauss, generate_terrain, lognormal_density, lognormal_rnd, lognormal_trunc_rnd, poisson, rnd, rnd_choice, sample, shuffle, skew_gauss, truncated_gauss, weibull_density, weibull_rnd, weibull_trunc_rnd,
arc, box, circle, cone, cone3D, cross, cube, curve, cylinder, ellipse, elliptical_arc, envelope, geometry_collection, hexagon, line, link, plan, polygon, polyhedron, pyramid, rectangle, sphere, square, squircle, teapot, triangle,
-, *, +, add_point, agent_closest_to, agent_farthest_to, agents_at_distance, agents_covering, agents_crossing, agents_inside, agents_overlapping, agents_partially_overlapping, agents_touching, angle_between, any_location_in, arc, around, as_4_grid, as_driving_graph, as_grid, as_hexagonal_grid, at_distance, at_location, box, centroid, circle, clean, clean_network, closest_points_with, closest_to, cone, cone3D, convex_hull, covering, covers, cross, crosses, crossing, crs, CRS_transform, cube, curve, cylinder, direction_between, disjoint_from, distance_between, distance_to, ellipse, elliptical_arc, envelope, farthest_point_to, farthest_to, geometry_collection, gini, hexagon, hierarchical_clustering, IDW, inside, inter, intersects, inverse_rotation, k_nearest_neighbors, line, link, masked_by, moran, neighbors_at, neighbors_of, normalized_rotation, overlapping, overlaps, partially_overlapping, partially_overlaps, path_between, path_to, plan, points_along, points_at, points_on, polygon, polyhedron, pyramid, rectangle, rotated_by, rotation_composition, round, scaled_to, set_z, simple_clustering_by_distance, simplification, skeletonize, smooth, sphere, split_at, split_geometry, split_lines, square, squircle, teapot, to_GAMA_CRS, to_rectangles, to_segments, to_squares, to_sub_geometries, touches, touching, towards, transformed_by, translated_by, triangle, triangulate, union, using, voronoi, with_precision, without_holes,
covers, crosses, intersects, partially_overlaps, touches,
agent_closest_to, agent_farthest_to, agents_at_distance, agents_covering, agents_crossing, agents_inside, agents_overlapping, agents_partially_overlapping, agents_touching, at_distance, closest_to, covering, crossing, farthest_to, inside, neighbors_at, neighbors_of, overlapping, partially_overlapping, touching,
direction_between, distance_between, distance_to, path_between, path_to, towards,
hierarchical_clustering, k_nearest_neighbors, simple_clustering_by_distance,
-, *, +, as_4_grid, as_grid, as_hexagonal_grid, at_location, clean, clean_network, convex_hull, CRS_transform, inverse_rotation, normalized_rotation, rotated_by, rotation_composition, scaled_to, simplification, skeletonize, smooth, split_geometry, split_lines, to_GAMA_CRS, to_rectangles, to_segments, to_squares, to_sub_geometries, transformed_by, translated_by, triangulate, voronoi, with_precision, without_holes,
index_of, last_index_of, of_generic_species, of_species,
auto_correlation, beta, binomial_coeff, binomial_complemented, binomial_sum, build, chi_square, chi_square_complemented, correlation, covariance, dbscan, distribution_of, distribution2d_of, dtw, durbin_watson, frequency_of, gamma, gamma_distribution, gamma_distribution_complemented, geometric_mean, gini, harmonic_mean, hierarchical_clustering, incomplete_beta, incomplete_gamma, incomplete_gamma_complement, k_nearest_neighbors, kmeans, kurtosis, log_gamma, max, mean, mean_deviation, median, min, moment, moran, morrisAnalysis, mul, normal_area, normal_density, normal_inverse, predict, pValue_for_fStat, pValue_for_tStat, quantile, quantile_inverse, rank_interpolated, residuals, rms, rSquare, simple_clustering_by_distance, skewness, sobolAnalysis, split, split_in, split_using, standard_deviation, student_area, student_t_inverse, sum, t_test, variance,
+, <, <=, >, >=, at, capitalize, char, contains, contains_all, contains_any, copy_between, date, empty, first, in, indented_by, index_of, is_number, last, last_index_of, length, lower_case, regex_matches, replace, replace_regex, reverse, sample, shuffle, split_with, string, upper_case,
., choose, command, copy, copy_from_clipboard, copy_to_clipboard, copy_to_clipboard, dead, enter, eval_gaml, every, is_error, is_reachable, is_warning, play_sound, user_confirm, user_input_dialog, wizard, wizard_page,
action, agent, attributes, BDIPlan, bool, container, conversation, directory, emotion, file, float, gaml_type, geometry, graph, int, kml, list, map, matrix, mental_state, message, Norm, pair, path, point, predicate, regression, rgb, Sanction, skill, social_link, species, topology, unknown,
choose, enter, user_confirm, user_input_dialog, wizard, wizard_page,
) --->map<geometry,float>
Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) is a type of deterministic method for multivariate interpolation with a known scattered set of points. The assigned values to each geometry are calculated with a weighted average of the values available at the known points. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_distance_weighting Usage: IDW (list of geometries, map of points (key: point, value: value), power parameter)
map<geometry,float> var0 <- IDW([ag1, ag2, ag3, ag4, ag5],[{10,10}::25.0, {10,80}::10.0, {100,10}::15.0], 2); // var0 equals for example, can return [ag1::12.0, ag2::23.0,ag3::12.0,ag4::14.0,ag5::17.0]
) --->image
) --->image
) --->image
) --->image
Builds a new image with the specified dimensions and already filled with the given rgb color Builds a new blank image with the specified dimensions and indicates if it will support transparency or not Builds a new blank image of the specified dimensions, which does not accept transparency Builds a new image from the specified file, p assing the width and height in parameter
) --->file
) --->file
) --->file
) --->file
Constructs a file of type image. Allowed extensions are limited to tiff, jpg, jpeg, png, pict, bmp
- image_file(string,java.awt.image.BufferedImage):
- image_file(string): This file constructor allows to read an image file (tiff, jpg, jpeg, png, pict, bmp)
file f <-image_file("file.png");
- image_file(string,string): This file constructor allows to read an image file (tiff, jpg, jpeg, png, pict, bmp) and to force the extension of the file (can be useful for images coming from URL)
file f <-image_file("http://my_url", "png");
- image_file(string,matrix): This file constructor allows to store a matrix in a image file (it does not save it - just store it in memory)
file f <-image_file("file.png");
See also: is_image,
) --->bool
) --->bool
true if the right operand contains the left operand, false otherwise
the definition of in depends on the container
- if the right operand is nil or empty, in returns false
- if both operands are strings, returns true if the left-hand operand patterns is included in to the right-hand string;
bool var0 <- 2 in [1,2,3,4,5,6]; // var0 equals true
bool var1 <- 7 in [1,2,3,4,5,6]; // var1 equals false
bool var2 <- 3 in [1::2, 3::4, 5::6]; // var2 equals false
bool var3 <- 6 in [1::2, 3::4, 5::6]; // var3 equals true
bool var4 <- 'bc' in 'abcded'; // var4 equals true
See also: contains,
) --->int
returns the in degree of a vertex (right-hand operand) in the graph given as left-hand operand.
int var1 <- graphFromMap in_degree_of (node(3)); // var1 equals 2
See also: out_degree_of, degree_of,
) --->list
returns the list of the in-edges of a vertex (right-hand operand) in the graph given as left-hand operand.
list var1 <- graphFromMap in_edges_of node({12,45}); // var1 equals [LineString]
See also: out_edges_of,
) --->float
Returns the regularized integral of the beta function with arguments a and b, from zero to x.
float var0 <- incomplete_beta(2,3,0.9) with_precision(3); // var0 equals 0.996
) --->float
Returns the regularized integral of the Gamma function with argument a to the integration end point x.
float var0 <- incomplete_gamma(1,5.3) with_precision(3); // var0 equals 0.995
) --->float
Returns the complemented regularized incomplete Gamma function of the argument a and integration start point x.
Is the complement to 1 of incomplete_gamma.
float var0 <- incomplete_gamma_complement(1,5.3) with_precision(3); // var0 equals 0.005
) --->string
Converts a (possibly multiline) string by indenting it by a number -- specified by the second operand -- of tabulations to the right
string var0 <- "my" + indented_by("text", 1); // var0 equals "my text"
any expression
,any expression
) --->map
produces a new map from the evaluation of the right-hand operand for each element of the left-hand operand
- if the left-hand operand is nil, index_by throws an error. If the operation results in duplicate keys, only the first value corresponding to the key is kept
map var0 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] index_by (each - 1); // var0 equals [0::1, 1::2, 2::3, 3::4, 4::5, 5::6, 6::7, 7::8]
) --->unknown
) --->int
) --->int
) --->int
) --->point
the index of the first occurence of the right operand in the left operand container
The definition of index_of and the type of the index depend on the container
- if the left operand is a map, index_of returns the index of a value or nil if the value is not mapped
- if the left operator is a species, returns the index of an agent in a species. If the argument is not an agent of this species, returns -1. Use int(agent) instead
- if the left operand is a list, index_of returns the index as an integer
int var1 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] index_of 4; // var1 equals 3
int var2 <- [4,2,3,4,5,4] index_of 4; // var2 equals 0
- if both operands are strings, returns the index within the left-hand string of the first occurrence of the given right-hand string
int var3 <- "abcabcabc" index_of "ca"; // var3 equals 2
- if the left operand is a matrix, index_of returns the index as a point
point var4 <- matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) index_of 4; // var4 equals {1.0,0.0}
unknown var0 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] index_of 4; // var0 equals 3
See also: at, last_index_of,
) --->list<geometry>
A list of agents or geometries among the left-operand list, species or meta-population (addition of species), covered by the operand (casted as a geometry).
list<geometry> var0 <- [ag1, ag2, ag3] inside(self); // var0 equals the agents among ag1, ag2 and ag3 that are covered by the shape of the right-hand argument.
list<geometry> var1 <- (species1 + species2) inside (self); // var1 equals the agents among species species1 and species2 that are covered by the shape of the right-hand argument.
See also: neighbors_at, neighbors_of, closest_to, overlapping, agents_overlapping, agents_inside, agent_closest_to,
) --->int
casts the operand in a int object.
) --->geometry
) --->list
A geometry resulting from the intersection between the two geometries the intersection of the two operands
both containers are transformed into sets (so without duplicated element, cf. remove_deplicates operator) before the set intersection is computed.
- returns nil if one of the operands is nil
- if an operand is a graph, it will be transformed into the set of its nodes
- if an operand is a map, it will be transformed into the set of its values
list var3 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] inter [2,4]; // var3 equals [2,4]
list var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] inter [1,3]; // var4 equals []
- if an operand is a matrix, it will be transformed into the set of the lines
list var5 <- matrix([[3,2,1],[4,5,4]]) inter [3,4]; // var5 equals [3,4]
geometry var0 <- square(10) inter circle(5); // var0 equals circle(5)
list var1 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] inter [2,4]; // var1 equals [2,4]
list var2 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] inter [0,8]; // var2 equals []
See also: union, +, -, remove_duplicates,
) --->list
Returns a new list containing the interleaved elements of the containers contained in the operand
the operand should be a list of lists of elements. The result is a list of elements.
list var0 <- interleave([1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8]); // var0 equals [1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8]
list var1 <- interleave([['e11','e12','e13'],['e21','e22','e23'],['e31','e32','e33']]); // var1 equals ['e11','e21','e31','e12','e22','e32','e13','e23','e33']
any expression
any expression
(any expression
,any expression
) --->list
For internal use only. Corresponds to the implementation, for agents, of the access to containers with [index]
Same signification as overlapping
Same signification as inter
) --->bool
A boolean, equal to true if the left-geometry (or agent/point) intersects the right-geometry (or agent/point).
- if one of the operand is null, returns false.
bool var0 <- square(5) intersects {10,10}; // var0 equals false
See also: disjoint_from, crosses, overlaps, partially_overlaps, touches,
) --->matrix<float>
The inverse matrix of the given matrix. If no inverse exists, returns a matrix that has properties that resemble that of an inverse.
matrix<float> var0 <- inverse(matrix([[4,3],[3,2]])); // var0 equals matrix([[-2.0,3.0],[3.0,-4.0]])
Same signification as IDW
) --->pair<float,point>
The inverse rotation. It is a rotation around the same axis with the opposite angle.
pair<float,point> var0 <- inverse_rotation(38.0::{1,1,1}); // var0 equals -38.0::{1,1,1}
See also: [rotation_composition, normalized_rotation](OperatorsSZ#rotation_composition, normalized_rotation),
any expression
,any expression
) --->bool
returns true if the left operand is of the right operand type, false otherwise
bool var0 <- 0 is int; // var0 equals true
bool var1 <- an_agent is node; // var1 equals true
bool var2 <- 1 is float; // var2 equals false
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a agent file.
See also: agent_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a csv file.
See also: csv_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a dxf file.
See also: dxf_file,
(any expression
) --->bool
Returns whether or not the argument raises an error when evaluated
) --->bool
Returns whether the argument is a finite number or not
bool var0 <- is_finite(4.66); // var0 equals true
bool var1 <- is_finite(#infinity); // var1 equals false
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a gaml file.
See also: gaml_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a geojson file.
See also: geojson_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a gif file.
See also: gif_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a gml file.
See also: gml_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graph6 file.
See also: graph6_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graphdimacs file.
See also: graphdimacs_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graphdot file.
See also: graphdot_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graphgexf file.
See also: graphgexf_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graphgml file.
See also: graphgml_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graphml file.
See also: graphml_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a graphtsplib file.
See also: graphtsplib_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a grid file.
See also: grid_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a image file.
See also: image_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a json file.
See also: json_file,
) --->bool
) --->bool
tests whether the operand represents a numerical value Returns whether the argument is a real number or not
Note that the symbol . should be used for a float value (a string with , will not be considered as a numeric value). Symbols e and E are also accepted. A hexadecimal value should begin with #.
bool var0 <- is_number("test"); // var0 equals false
bool var1 <- is_number("123.56"); // var1 equals true
bool var2 <- is_number("-1.2e5"); // var2 equals true
bool var3 <- is_number("1,2"); // var3 equals false
bool var4 <- is_number("#12FA"); // var4 equals true
bool var5 <- is_number(4.66); // var5 equals true
bool var6 <- is_number(#infinity); // var6 equals true
bool var7 <- is_number(#nan); // var7 equals false
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a obj file.
See also: obj_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a osm file.
See also: osm_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a pgm file.
See also: pgm_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a property file.
See also: property_file,
) --->bool
) --->bool
Returns whether or not the given web address is reachable or not before a time_out time in milliseconds Returns whether or not the given web address is reachable or not before a time_out time in milliseconds
write sample(is_reachable("www.google.com", 200));
write sample(is_reachable("www.google.com", 200));
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a shape file.
See also: shape_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a simulation file.
See also: simulation_file,
) --->bool
returns true if the left operand is an agent whose species implements the right-hand skill name
bool var0 <- agentA is_skill 'moving'; // var0 equals true
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a svg file.
See also: svg_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a text file.
See also: text_file,
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a threeds file.
See also: threeds_file,
(any expression
) --->bool
Returns whether or not the argument raises a warning when evaluated
) --->bool
Tests whether the operand is a xml file.
See also: xml_file,
) --->file
) --->file
Constructs a file of type json. Allowed extensions are limited to json
- json_file(string): This file constructor allows to read a json file
file f <-json_file("file.json");
- json_file(string,map<string,unknown>): This constructor allows to store a map in a json file (it does not save it). The file can then be saved later using the
file f <-json_file("file.json", map(["var1"::1.0, "var2"::3.0]));
See also: is_json,
) --->unknown
This operator allows user to find the attribute of an agent basing on its k-nearest agents
In order to use this operator, users have to create a map which map the agents with one of their attributes (for example color or size,..). In the example below, 'map' is the map that I mention above, 'k' is the number of the nearest agents that we areconsidering
unknown var0 <- self k_nearest_neighbors (map,k); // var0 equals this will return the attribute which has highest frequency in the k-nearest neighbors of our agent
) --->list
The algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree T using Prim's algorithm, then executes Kruskal's algorithm only on the edges of T until k trees are formed. The resulting trees are the final clusters.It returns a list of list of vertices and takes as operand the graph and the number of clusters
) --->float
) --->float
kappa indicator for 2 map comparisons: kappa(list_vals1,list_vals2,categories, weights). Reference: Cohen, J. A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educ. Psychol. Meas. 1960, 20. kappa indicator for 2 map comparisons: kappa(list_vals1,list_vals2,categories). Reference: Cohen, J. A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educ. Psychol. Meas. 1960, 20.
float var0 <- kappa(["cat1","cat3","cat2","cat1","cat3"],["cat1","cat3","cat2","cat3","cat1"],["cat1","cat2","cat3"], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0]); // var0 equals 0.29411764705882354
float var2 <- kappa([1,3,5,1,5],[1,1,1,1,5],[1,3,5]); // var2 equals 0.3333333333333334
float var3 <- kappa([1,1,1,1,5],[1,1,1,1,5],[1,3,5]); // var3 equals 1.0
) --->float
) --->float
kappa simulation indicator for 2 map comparisons: kappa(list_valsInits,list_valsObs,list_valsSim, categories). Reference: van Vliet, J., Bregt, A.K. & Hagen-Zanker, A. (2011). Revisiting Kappa to account for change in the accuracy assessment of land-use change models, Ecological Modelling 222(8).
- kappa_sim can be used with an additional weights operand
float var0 <- kappa_sim(["cat1","cat1","cat2","cat2","cat2"],["cat1","cat3","cat2","cat1","cat3"],["cat1","cat3","cat2","cat3","cat1"],["cat1","cat2","cat3"], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0]); // var0 equals 0.2702702702702703
float var1 <- kappa_sim(["cat1","cat1","cat2","cat2","cat2"],["cat1","cat3","cat2","cat1","cat3"],["cat1","cat3","cat2","cat3","cat1"],["cat1","cat2","cat3"]); // var1 equals 0.3333333333333335
) --->list<list>
) --->list<list>
returns the list of clusters (list of instance indices) computed with the kmeans++ algorithm from the first operand data according to the number of clusters to split the data into (k) and the maximum number of iterations to run the algorithm.(If negative, no maximum will be used) (maxIt). Usage: kmeans(data,k,maxit)
- The maximum number of (third operand) can be omitted.
list<list> var0 <- kmeans ([[2,4,5], [3,8,2], [1,1,3], [4,3,4]],2); // var0 equals [[0,2,3],[1]]
list<list> var1 <- kmeans ([[2,4,5], [3,8,2], [1,1,3], [4,3,4]],2,10); // var1 equals [[0,2,3],[1]]
) --->kml
casts the operand in a kml object.
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the kurtosis from a moment and a standard deviation Returns the kurtosis (aka excess) of a list of values (kurtosis = { [n(n+1) / (n -1)(n - 2)(n-3)] sum[(x_i - mean)^4] / std^4 } - [3(n-1)^2 / (n-2)(n-3)])
- if the length of the list is lower than 3, returns NaN
float var0 <- kurtosis(3,12) with_precision(4); // var0 equals -2.9999
float var1 <- kurtosis ([1,2,3,4,5]); // var1 equals -1.200000000000002
float var2 <- kurtosis([13,2,1,4,1,2]) with_precision(4); // var2 equals 4.8083
) --->list
The algorithm is a near linear time algorithm capable of discovering communities in large graphs. It is described in detail in the following: Raghavan, U. N., Albert, R., and Kumara, S. (2007). Near linear time algorithm to detect
- community structures in large-scale networks. Physical review E, 76(3), 036106.It returns a list of list of vertices and takes as operand the graph and maximal number of iteration
) --->string
) --->ValueType
) --->list
the last element of the operand
the last operator behavior depends on the nature of the operand
- if it is a map, last returns the value of the last pair (in insertion order)
- if it is a file, last returns the last element of the content of the file (that is also a container)
- if it is a population, last returns the last agent of the population
- if it is a graph, last returns a list containing the last edge created
- if it is a matrix, last returns the element at {length-1,length-1} in the matrix
- for a matrix of int or float, it will return 0 if the matrix is empty
- for a matrix of object or geometry, it will return nil if the matrix is empty
- if it is a string, last returns a string composed of its last character, or an empty string if the operand is empty
string var0 <- last ('abce'); // var0 equals 'e'
- if it is a list, last returns the last element of the list, or nil if the list is empty
int var1 <- last ([1, 2, 3]); // var1 equals 3
See also: first,
) --->unknown
) --->int
) --->int
) --->point
) --->int
the index of the last occurence of the right operand in the left operand container
The definition of last_index_of and the type of the index depend on the container
- if the left operand is a species, the last index of an agent is the same as its index
- if the left operand is a map, last_index_of returns the index as an int (the key of the pair)
unknown var0 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::4] last_index_of 4; // var0 equals 5
- if both operands are strings, returns the index within the left-hand string of the rightmost occurrence of the given right-hand string
int var1 <- "abcabcabc" last_index_of "ca"; // var1 equals 5
- if the left operand is a matrix, last_index_of returns the index as a point
point var2 <- matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,4]]) last_index_of 4; // var2 equals {1.0,2.0}
- if the left operand is a list, last_index_of returns the index as an integer
int var3 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] last_index_of 4; // var3 equals 3
int var4 <- [4,2,3,4,5,4] last_index_of 4; // var4 equals 5
See also: at, index_of, last_index_of,
Same signification as last
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
the last element of the left-hand operand that makes the right-hand operand evaluate to true.
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-hand operand is nil, last_with throws an error.
- If there is no element that satisfies the condition, it returns nil
- if the left-operand is a map, the keyword each will contain each value
unknown var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] last_with (each >= 4); // var4 equals 6
unknown var5 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6].pairs last_with (each.value >= 4); // var5 equals (5::6)
int var0 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] last_with (each > 3); // var0 equals 8
unknown var2 <- g2 last_with (length(g2 out_edges_of each) = 0 ); // var2 equals a node
unknown var3 <- (list(node) last_with (round(node(each).location.x) > 32); // var3 equals node3
See also: group_by, first_with, where,
) --->graph
layouts a Gama graph on a circle with equidistance between nodes. For now there is no optimization on node ordering.
- Usage: layoutCircle(graph, bound, shuffle) => graph : the graph to layout, bound : the geometry to display the graph within, shuffle : if true shuffle the nodes, then render same ordering
layout_circle(graph, world.shape, false);
) --->graph
) --->graph
layouts a GAMA graph using Force model (in a given spatial bound and given coeff_force, cooling_rate, max_iteration, and equilibirum criterion parameters).
- usage: layoutForce(graph, bounds, coeff_force, cooling_rate, max_iteration, equilibirum criterion). graph is the graph to which applied the layout; bounds is the shape (geometry) in which the graph should be located; coeff_force is the coefficien use to compute the force, typical value is 0.4; cooling rate is the decreasing coefficient of the temperature, typical value is 0.01; max_iteration is the maximal number of iterations; equilibirum criterion is the maximaldistance of displacement for a vertice to be considered as in equilibrium
- usage: layoutForce(graph, bounds, coeff_force, cooling_rate, max_iteration). graph is the graph to which applied the layout; bounds is the shape (geometry) in which the graph should be located; coeff_force is the coefficient used to compute the force, typical value is 0.4; cooling rate is the decreasing coefficient of the temperature, typical value is 0.01; max_iteration is the maximal number of iterationsdistance of displacement for a vertice to be considered as in equilibrium
) --->graph
layouts a GAMA graph using Fruchterman and Reingold Force-Directed Placement Algorithm (in a given spatial bound, normalization factor and max_iteration parameters).
- usage: layoutForce(graph, bounds, normalization_factor, max_iteration, equilibirum criterion). graph is the graph to which applied the layout; bounds is the shape (geometry) in which the graph should be located; normalization_factor is the normalization factor for the optimal distance, typical value is 1.0; max_iteration is the maximal number of iterations
) --->graph
layouts a GAMA graph using Fruchterman and Reingold Force-Directed Placement Algorithm with The Barnes-Hut indexing technique(in a given spatial bound, theta, normalization factor and max_iteration parameters).
- usage: layoutForce(graph, bounds, normalization_factor, max_iteration, equilibirum criterion). graph is the graph to which applied the layout; bounds is the shape (geometry) in which the graph should be located; theta value for approximation using the Barnes-Hut technique, typical value is 0.5; normalization_factor is the normalization factor for the optimal distance, typical value is 1.0; max_iteration is the maximal number of iterations
) --->graph
layouts a Gama graph based on a grid latice. usage: layoutForce(graph, bounds, coeff_nb_cells). graph is the graph to which the layout is applied; bounds is the shape (geometry) in which the graph should be located; coeff_nb_cellsthe coefficient for the number of cells to locate the vertices (nb of places = coeff_nb_cells * nb of vertices).
layout_grid(graph, world.shape);
) --->int
) --->int
the number of elements contained in the operand
the length operator behavior depends on the nature of the operand
- if it is a population, length returns number of agents of the population
- if it is a graph, length returns the number of vertexes or of edges (depending on the way it was created)
- if it is a string, length returns the number of characters
int var0 <- length ("I am an agent"); // var0 equals 13
- if it is a list or a map, length returns the number of elements in the list or map
int var1 <- length([12,13]); // var1 equals 2
int var2 <- length([]); // var2 equals 0
- if it is a matrix, length returns the number of cells
int var3 <- length(matrix([["c11","c12","c13"],["c21","c22","c23"]])); // var3 equals 6
Same signification as log_gamma
) --->geometry
) --->geometry
A polyline geometry from the given list of points.
- if the points list operand is nil, returns the point geometry {0,0}
- if the points list operand is composed of a single point, returns a point geometry.
- if a radius is added, the given list of points represented as a cylinder of radius r
geometry var0 <- polyline([{0,0}, {0,10}, {10,10}, {10,0}],0.2); // var0 equals a polyline geometry composed of the 4 points.
geometry var1 <- polyline([{0,0}, {0,10}, {10,10}]); // var1 equals a polyline geometry composed of the 3 points.
geometry var2 <- line([{10,10}, {10,0}]); // var2 equals a line from 2 points.
string var3 <- string(polyline([{0,0}, {0,10}, {10,10}])+line([{10,10}, {10,0}])); // var3 equals "MULTILINESTRING ((0 0, 0 10, 10 10), (10 10, 10 0))"
See also: around, circle, cone, link, norm, point, polygone, rectangle, square, triangle,
) --->geometry
A dynamic line geometry between the location of the two operands
The geometry of the link is a line between the locations of the two operands, which is built and maintained dynamically
- if one of the operands is nil, link returns a point geometry at the location of the other. If both are null, it returns a point geometry at {0,0}
geometry var0 <- link (geom1,geom2); // var0 equals a link geometry between geom1 and geom2.
See also: around, circle, cone, line, norm, point, polygon, polyline, rectangle, square, triangle,
) --->list
casts the operand in a list object.
any expression
,any expression
) --->list
creates a list with a size provided by the first operand, and filled with the second operand
Note that the first operand should be positive, and that the second one is evaluated for each position in the list.
list var0 <- list_with(5,2); // var0 equals [2,2,2,2,2]
See also: list,
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the operand.
- an exception is raised if the operand is less than zero.
float var0 <- ln(1); // var0 equals 0.0
float var1 <- ln(exp(1)); // var1 equals 1.0
See also: exp,
) --->graph
put in the graph cache the computed shortest paths contained in the matrix (rows: source, columns: target)
graph var0 <- load_shortest_paths(shortest_paths_matrix); // var0 equals return my_graph with all the shortest paths computed
) --->agent
Load a submodel
loaded submodel
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the logarithm (base 10) of the operand.
- an exception is raised if the operand is equals or less than zero.
float var0 <- log(1); // var0 equals 0.0
float var1 <- log(10); // var1 equals 1.0
See also: ln,
) --->float
Returns the log of the value of the Gamma function at x.
float var0 <- log_gamma(0.6) with_precision(4); // var0 equals 0.3982
) --->float
lognormal_density(x,shape,scale) returns the probability density function (PDF) at the specified point x of the logNormal distribution with the given shape and scale.
float var0 <- lognormal_density(1,2,3) ; // var0 equals 0.731
See also: binomial, gamma_rnd, gauss_rnd, poisson, rnd, skew_gauss, truncated_gauss, weibull_rnd, weibull_density, gamma_density,
) --->float
returns a random value from a Log-Normal distribution with specified values of the shape (alpha) and scale (beta) parameters. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution for more details.
float var0 <- lognormal_rnd(2,3); // var0 equals 0.731
See also: binomial, gamma_rnd, gauss_rnd, poisson, rnd, skew_gauss, truncated_gauss, weibull_rnd, lognormal_trunc_rnd,
) --->float
) --->float
returns a random value from a truncated Log-Normal distribution (in a range or given only one boundary) with specified values of the shape (alpha) and scale (beta) parameters. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution for more details.
- when 1 float and a boolean (isMax) operands are specified, the float value represents the single boundary (max if the boolean is true, min otherwise),
- when 2 float operands are specified, they are taken as mininimum and maximum values for the result
See also: lognormal_rnd, gamma_trunc_rnd, weibull_trunc_rnd, truncated_gauss,
) --->string
Converts all of the characters in the string operand to lower case
string var0 <- lower_case("Abc"); // var0 equals 'abc'
See also: upper_case,
) --->graph
returns the sub-graph corresponding to the main connected components of the graph
graph var0 <- main_connected_component(my_graph); // var0 equals the sub-graph corresponding to the main connected components of the graph
See also: connected_components_of,
) --->map
casts the operand in a map object.
) --->geometry
) --->geometry
geometry var0 <- perception_geom masked_by obstacle_list; // var0 equals the geometry representing the part of perception_geom visible from the agent position considering the list of obstacles obstacle_list.
geometry var1 <- perception_geom masked_by obstacle_list; // var1 equals the geometry representing the part of perception_geom visible from the agent position considering the list of obstacles obstacle_list.
) --->matrix
casts the operand in a matrix object.
) --->matrix
Returns the matrix value of the image passed in parameter, where each pixel is represented by the RGB int value. The dimensions of the matrix are those of the image.
any expression
,any expression
) --->matrix
creates a matrix with a size provided by the first operand, and filled with the second operand. The given expression, unless constant, is evaluated for each cell
Note that both components of the right operand point should be positive, otherwise an exception is raised.
) --->unknown
the maximum element found in the operand
the max operator behavior depends on the nature of the operand
- if it is a population of a list of other type: max transforms all elements into integer and returns the maximum of them
- if it is a map, max returns the maximum among the list of all elements value
- if it is a file, max returns the maximum of the content of the file (that is also a container)
- if it is a graph, max returns the maximum of the list of the elements of the graph (that can be the list of edges or vertexes depending on the graph)
- if it is a matrix of int, float or object, max returns the maximum of all the numerical elements (thus all elements for integer and float matrices)
- if it is a matrix of geometry, max returns the maximum of the list of the geometries
- if it is a matrix of another type, max returns the maximum of the elements transformed into float
- if it is a list of int of float, max returns the maximum of all the elements
unknown var0 <- max ([100, 23.2, 34.5]); // var0 equals 100.0
- if it is a list of points: max returns the maximum of all points as a point (i.e. the point with the greatest coordinate on the x-axis, in case of equality the point with the greatest coordinate on the y-axis is chosen. If all the points are equal, the first one is returned. )
unknown var1 <- max([{1.0,3.0},{3.0,5.0},{9.0,1.0},{7.0,8.0}]); // var1 equals {9.0,1.0}
See also: min,
) --->map<unknown,float>
The max flow (map<edge,flow> in a graph between the source and the sink using Edmonds-Karp algorithm
max_flow_between(my_graph, vertice1, vertice2)
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
the maximum value of the right-hand expression evaluated on each of the elements of the left-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- As of GAMA 1.6, if the left-hand operand is nil or empty, max_of throws an error
- if the left-operand is a map, the keyword each will contain each value
unknown var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] max_of (each + 3); // var4 equals 9
unknown var0 <- [1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8] max_of (each * 100 ); // var0 equals 800
graph g2 <- as_edge_graph([{1,5}::{12,45},{12,45}::{34,56}]);
unknown var2 <- g2.vertices max_of (g2 degree_of( each )); // var2 equals 2
unknown var3 <- (list(node) max_of (round(node(each).location.x)); // var3 equals 96
See also: min_of,
) --->list<list>
returns the maximal cliques of a graph using the Bron-Kerbosch clique detection algorithm: A clique is maximal if it is impossible to enlarge it by adding another vertex from the graph. Note that a maximal clique is not necessarily the biggest clique in the graph.
graph my_graph <- graph([]);
list<list> var1 <- maximal_cliques_of (my_graph); // var1 equals the list of all the maximal cliques as list
See also: biggest_cliques_of,
) --->unknown
the mean of all the elements of the operand
the elements of the operand are summed (see sum for more details about the sum of container elements ) and then the sum value is divided by the number of elements.
- if the container contains points, the result will be a point. If the container contains rgb values, the result will be a rgb color
unknown var0 <- mean ([4.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.0]); // var0 equals 5.125
See also: sum,
) --->float
the deviation from the mean of all the elements of the operand. See Mean_deviation for more details.
The operator casts all the numerical element of the list into float. The elements that are not numerical are discarded.
float var0 <- mean_deviation ([4.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.0]); // var0 equals 1.125
See also: mean, standard_deviation,
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
the mean of the right-hand expression evaluated on each of the elements of the left-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-operand is a map, the keyword each will contain each value
unknown var1 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] mean_of (each); // var1 equals 4
unknown var0 <- [1,2] mean_of (each * 10 ); // var0 equals 15
See also: min_of, max_of, sum_of, product_of,
) --->unknown
the median of all the elements of the operand.
- if the container contains points, the result will be a point. If the container contains rgb values, the result will be a rgb color
unknown var0 <- median ([4.5, 3.5, 5.5, 3.4, 7.0]); // var0 equals 4.5
See also: mean,
) --->mental_state
casts the operand in a mental_state object.
) --->message
casts the operand in a message object.
) --->float
Provide the exact number of milliseconds between two dates. This number can be positive or negative (if the second operand is smaller than the first one)
float var0 <- milliseconds_between(date('2000-01-01'), date('2000-02-01')); // var0 equals 2.6784E9
) --->unknown
the minimum element found in the operand.
the min operator behavior depends on the nature of the operand
- if it is a list of points: min returns the minimum of all points as a point (i.e. the point with the smallest coordinate on the x-axis, in case of equality the point with the smallest coordinate on the y-axis is chosen. If all the points are equal, the first one is returned. )
- if it is a population of a list of other types: min transforms all elements into integer and returns the minimum of them
- if it is a map, min returns the minimum among the list of all elements value
- if it is a file, min returns the minimum of the content of the file (that is also a container)
- if it is a graph, min returns the minimum of the list of the elements of the graph (that can be the list of edges or vertexes depending on the graph)
- if it is a matrix of int, float or object, min returns the minimum of all the numerical elements (thus all elements for integer and float matrices)
- if it is a matrix of geometry, min returns the minimum of the list of the geometries
- if it is a matrix of another type, min returns the minimum of the elements transformed into float
- if it is a list of int or float: min returns the minimum of all the elements
unknown var0 <- min ([100, 23.2, 34.5]); // var0 equals 23.2
See also: max,
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
the minimum value of the right-hand expression evaluated on each of the elements of the left-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-hand operand is nil or empty, min_of throws an error
- if the left-operand is a map, the keyword each will contain each value
unknown var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] min_of (each + 3); // var4 equals 5
unknown var0 <- [1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8] min_of (each * 100 ); // var0 equals 100
graph g2 <- as_edge_graph([{1,5}::{12,45},{12,45}::{34,56}]);
unknown var2 <- g2 min_of (length(g2 out_edges_of each) ); // var2 equals 0
unknown var3 <- (list(node) min_of (round(node(each).location.x)); // var3 equals 4
See also: max_of,
) --->date
Subtract a given number of days from a date
date var0 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_days 20; // var0 equals date('1999-12-12')
) --->date
Remove a given number of hours from a date
// equivalent to date1 - 15 #h
date var1 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_hours 15 ; // var1 equals date('1999-12-31 09:00:00')
) --->date
Subtract a given number of minutes from a date
// date('2000-01-01') to date1 - 5#mn
date var1 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_minutes 5 ; // var1 equals date('1999-12-31 23:55:00')
) --->date
Subtract a given number of months from a date
date var0 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_months 5; // var0 equals date('1999-08-01')
) --->date
Remove a given number of milliseconds from a date
// equivalent to date1 - 15 #ms
date var1 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_ms 1000 ; // var1 equals date('1999-12-31 23:59:59')
Same signification as -
) --->date
Subtract a given number of weeks from a date
date var0 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_weeks 15; // var0 equals date('1999-09-18')
) --->date
Subtract a given number of year from a date
date var0 <- date('2000-01-01') minus_years 3; // var0 equals date('1997-01-01')
) --->int
Returns the remainder of the integer division of the left-hand operand by the right-hand operand.
- if operands are float, they are truncated
- if the right-hand operand is equal to zero, raises an exception.
int var0 <- 40 mod 3; // var0 equals 1
See also: div,
) --->float
Returns the moment of k-th order with constant c of a data sequence
float var0 <- moment([13,2,1,4,1,2], 2, 1.2) with_precision(4); // var0 equals 24.74
) --->int
Provide the exact number of months between two dates. This number can be positive or negative (if the second operand is smaller than the first one)
int var0 <- months_between(date('2000-01-01'), date('2000-02-01')); // var0 equals 1
) --->float
- return the Moran Index of the given list of interest points (list of floats) and the weight matrix (matrix of float)
float var0 <- moran([1.0, 0.5, 2.0], weight_matrix); // var0 equals the Moran index is computed
) --->string
Return a string containing the Report of the morris analysis for the corresponding CSV file
) --->unknown
the product of all the elements of the operand
the mul operator behavior depends on the nature of the operand
- if it is a list of points: mul returns the product of all points as a point (each coordinate is the product of the corresponding coordinate of each element)
- if it is a list of other types: mul transforms all elements into integer and multiplies them
- if it is a map, mul returns the product of the value of all elements
- if it is a file, mul returns the product of the content of the file (that is also a container)
- if it is a graph, mul returns the product of the list of the elements of the graph (that can be the list of edges or vertexes depending on the graph)
- if it is a matrix of int, float or object, mul returns the product of all the numerical elements (thus all elements for integer and float matrices)
- if it is a matrix of geometry, mul returns the product of the list of the geometries
- if it is a matrix of other types: mul transforms all elements into float and multiplies them
- if it is a list of int or float: mul returns the product of all the elements
unknown var0 <- mul ([100, 23.2, 34.5]); // var0 equals 80040.0
See also: sum,
- Installation and Launching
- Workspace, Projects and Models
- Editing Models
- Running Experiments
- Running Headless
- Preferences
- Troubleshooting
- Introduction
- Manipulate basic Species
- Global Species
- Defining Advanced Species
- Defining GUI Experiment
- Exploring Models
- Optimizing Model Section
- Multi-Paradigm Modeling
- Manipulate OSM Data
- Diffusion
- Using Database
- Using FIPA ACL
- Using BDI with BEN
- Using Driving Skill
- Manipulate dates
- Manipulate lights
- Using comodel
- Save and restore Simulations
- Using network
- Headless mode
- Using Headless
- Writing Unit Tests
- Ensure model's reproducibility
- Going further with extensions
- Built-in Species
- Built-in Skills
- Built-in Architecture
- Statements
- Data Type
- File Type
- Expressions
- Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
- Installing the GIT version
- Developing Extensions
- Introduction to GAMA Java API
- Using GAMA flags
- Creating a release of GAMA
- Documentation generation