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wallymathieu committed Jun 23, 2024
1 parent 6dff6df commit a224312
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions abstraction-applicative.html
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Expand Up @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ <h2><a name="Recommended-reading" class="anchor" href="#Recommended-reading">Rec
Converts to a value from its string representation. Returns None if the convertion doesn&#39;t succeed.
&lt;/summary&gt;<br />&lt;category index=&quot;21&quot;&gt;Converter&lt;/category&gt;</em></div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs11">val resSome22: int option</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs12">Multiple items<br />val option: f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b) -&gt; n: &#39;b -&gt; _arg1: &#39;a option -&gt; &#39;b<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs12">Multiple items<br />val option: f: (&#39;g -&gt; &#39;h) -&gt; n: &#39;h -&gt; _arg1: &#39;g option -&gt; &#39;h<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;
Takes a function, a default value and a option value. If the option value is None, the function returns the default value.
Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside Some and returns the result.
&lt;/summary&gt;<br />&lt;category index=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Common Combinators&lt;/category&gt;</em><br /><br />--------------------<br />type &#39;T option = Option&lt;&#39;T&gt;</div>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,11 +385,11 @@ <h2><a name="Recommended-reading" class="anchor" href="#Recommended-reading">Rec
member Item: n: int -&gt; &#39;s
static member (+) : x: ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; * y: ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; (requires member ``+``)
static member (&lt;*&gt;) : ZipList&lt;(&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b)&gt; * ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;b&gt;
static member (&lt;|&gt;) : ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; * ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt;
static member (&lt;|&gt;) : ZipList&lt;&#39;a1&gt; * ZipList&lt;&#39;a1&gt; -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a1&gt;
static member Return: x: &#39;a -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt;
static member ToSeq: ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; -&gt; &#39;a seq
static member ToSeq: ZipList&lt;&#39;a1&gt; -&gt; &#39;a1 seq
static member Traverse: ZipList&lt;&#39;T&gt; * f: (&#39;T -&gt; &#39;Functor&lt;&#39;U&gt;) -&gt; &#39;Functor&lt;ZipList&lt;&#39;U&gt;&gt; (requires member Map and member ``&lt;*&gt;`` and member IsLeftZero and member Map and member Map and member Traverse and member Return and member Map)
static member get_Empty: unit -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt;
static member get_Empty: unit -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a1&gt;
static member Zero: unit -&gt; ZipList&lt;&#39;a&gt; (requires member Zero)<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;
A sequence with an Applicative functor based on zipping.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion abstraction-bifoldable.html
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Expand Up @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ <h2><a name="Examples" class="anchor" href="#Examples">Examples</a></h2>
Additional operations on Choice
&lt;/summary&gt;</em><br /><br />--------------------<br />type Choice =
inherit Default1
static member Choice: x: &#39;Foldable&lt;&#39;Alternative&lt;&#39;T&gt;&gt; ref * _mthd: Default4 -&gt; &#39;a (requires member ToSeq and member ``&lt;|&gt;`` and member IsAltLeftZero and member Empty) + 7 overloads
static member Choice: x: &#39;Foldable&lt;&#39;Alternative&lt;&#39;T&gt;&gt; ref * _mthd: Default4 -&gt; &#39;a1 (requires member ToSeq and member ``&lt;|&gt;`` and member IsAltLeftZero and member Empty) + 7 overloads
static member Invoke: x: &#39;Foldable&lt;&#39;Alternative&lt;&#39;T&gt;&gt; -&gt; &#39;Alternative&lt;&#39;T&gt;&gt; (requires member Choice)<br /><br />--------------------<br />type Choice&lt;&#39;T1,&#39;T2&gt; =
| Choice1Of2 of &#39;T1
| Choice2Of2 of &#39;T2<br /><br />--------------------<br />type Choice&lt;&#39;T1,&#39;T2,&#39;T3&gt; =
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13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions abstraction-comonad.html
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Expand Up @@ -189,13 +189,12 @@ <h2><a name="Examples" class="anchor" href="#Examples">Examples</a></h2>
member GetHashCode: unit -&gt; int
member GetTypeCode: unit -&gt; TypeCode
member ToString: unit -&gt; string + 3 overloads
member TryFormat: destination: Span&lt;char&gt; * charsWritten: byref&lt;int&gt; * ?format: ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt; * ?provider: IFormatProvider -&gt; bool + 1 overload
static member Abs: value: int -&gt; int
static member Clamp: value: int * min: int * max: int -&gt; int
static member CopySign: value: int * sign: int -&gt; int
static member CreateChecked&lt;&#39;TOther (requires &#39;TOther :&gt; INumberBase&lt;&#39;TOther&gt;)&gt; : value: &#39;TOther -&gt; int
...<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;Represents a 32-bit signed integer.&lt;/summary&gt;</em></div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs18">System.Int32.Parse(s: string) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: string, provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: string, style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: System.ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt;, provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(utf8Text: System.ReadOnlySpan&lt;byte&gt;, provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: string, style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles, provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: System.ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt;, ?style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles, ?provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(utf8Text: System.ReadOnlySpan&lt;byte&gt;, ?style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles, ?provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int</div>
member TryFormat: destination: Span&lt;char&gt; * charsWritten: byref&lt;int&gt; * ?format: ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt; * ?provider: IFormatProvider -&gt; bool
static member Parse: s: ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt; * ?style: NumberStyles * ?provider: IFormatProvider -&gt; int + 4 overloads
static member TryParse: s: ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt; * style: NumberStyles * provider: IFormatProvider * result: byref&lt;int&gt; -&gt; bool + 3 overloads
static val MaxValue: int
static val MinValue: int<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;Represents a 32-bit signed integer.&lt;/summary&gt;</em></div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs18">System.Int32.Parse(s: string) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: string, provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: string, style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: string, style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles, provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int<br />System.Int32.Parse(s: System.ReadOnlySpan&lt;char&gt;, ?style: System.Globalization.NumberStyles, ?provider: System.IFormatProvider) : int</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs19">val r80100: int</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs20">val ct1&#39;: int list list</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs21">val ct2&#39;: string * (string * int)</div>
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions abstraction-foldable.html
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Expand Up @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ <h2><a name="Examples" class="anchor" href="#Examples">Examples</a></h2>
static member ToSeq&lt;&#39;a&gt; : x: Tree&lt;&#39;a0&gt; -&gt; &#39;a0 seq</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs16">type FoldMap =
inherit Default1
static member FoldMap: x: &#39;a option * f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b) * [&lt;Optional&gt;] _impl: FoldMap -&gt; &#39;b (requires member Zero) + 6 overloads
static member FromFoldFoldBack: f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b) -&gt; x: &#39;c -&gt; &#39;b (requires member ``+`` and member Zero and member FoldBack)
static member FoldMap: x: &#39;a0 option * f: (&#39;a0 -&gt; &#39;a1) * [&lt;Optional&gt;] _impl: FoldMap -&gt; &#39;a1 (requires member Zero) + 6 overloads
static member FromFoldFoldBack: f: (&#39;a0 -&gt; &#39;a1) -&gt; x: &#39;a2 -&gt; &#39;a1 (requires member ``+`` and member Zero and member FoldBack)
static member Invoke: f: (&#39;T -&gt; &#39;Monoid) -&gt; x: &#39;Foldable&#39;&lt;T&gt; -&gt; &#39;Monoid (requires member FoldMap)</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs17">val t: Tree&lt;&#39;a&gt;</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs18">val f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b) (requires member ``+`` and member Zero)</div>
Expand All @@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ <h2><a name="Examples" class="anchor" href="#Examples">Examples</a></h2>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs26">type FoldBack =
inherit Default1
static member FoldBack: x: &#39;F * f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b -&gt; &#39;b) * z: &#39;b * [&lt;Optional&gt;] _impl: Default2 -&gt; &#39;b (requires member ToList and &#39;F :&gt; ResizeArray&lt;&#39;a&gt;) + 10 overloads
static member FromFoldMap: f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;t -&gt; &#39;t) -&gt; z: &#39;t -&gt; x: &#39;b -&gt; &#39;t (requires member FoldMap)
static member FromFoldMap: f: (&#39;c -&gt; &#39;t -&gt; &#39;t) -&gt; z: &#39;t -&gt; x: &#39;d -&gt; &#39;t (requires member FoldMap)
static member Invoke: folder: (&#39;T -&gt; &#39;State -&gt; &#39;State) -&gt; state: &#39;State -&gt; foldable: &#39;Foldable&#39;&lt;T&gt; -&gt; &#39;State (requires member FoldBack)</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs27">val f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;b -&gt; &#39;b)</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs28">val z: &#39;b</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs29">static member FoldBack.FromFoldMap: f: (&#39;a -&gt; &#39;t -&gt; &#39;t) -&gt; z: &#39;t -&gt; x: &#39;b -&gt; &#39;t (requires member FoldMap)</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs29">static member FoldBack.FromFoldMap: f: (&#39;c -&gt; &#39;t -&gt; &#39;t) -&gt; z: &#39;t -&gt; x: &#39;d -&gt; &#39;t (requires member FoldMap)</div>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs30">type ToSeq =
inherit Default1
static member Invoke: source: &#39;Foldable&lt;&#39;T&gt; -&gt; &#39;T seq (requires member ToSeq)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ <h2><a name="Examples" class="anchor" href="#Examples">Examples</a></h2>
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs39">Multiple items<br />union case Mult.Mult: &#39;a -&gt; Mult&lt;&#39;a&gt;<br /><br />--------------------<br />[&lt;Struct&gt;]
type Mult&lt;&#39;a&gt; =
| Mult of &#39;a
static member (+)&lt;&#39;n,&#39;a (requires member ( * ))&gt; : Mult&lt;&#39;n&gt; * Mult&lt;&#39;n&gt; -&gt; Mult&lt;&#39;a0&gt; (requires member ( * ))
static member Zero&lt;&#39;a (requires member One)&gt; : unit -&gt; Mult&lt;&#39;a0&gt; (requires member One)<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;
static member (+) : Mult&lt;&#39;n&gt; * Mult&lt;&#39;n&gt; -&gt; Mult&lt;&#39;a2&gt; (requires member ( * ))
static member Zero: unit -&gt; Mult&lt;&#39;a1&gt; (requires member One)<br /><em>&lt;summary&gt;
Numeric wrapper for multiplication monoid (*, 1)
<div class="fsdocs-tip" id="fs40">val res21: int</div>
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