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Use strict types for applicatives
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gusty authored Dec 7, 2019
1 parent 649bf19 commit 7979273
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 22 deletions.
46 changes: 24 additions & 22 deletions src/FSharpPlus/Functor.fs
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Expand Up @@ -139,35 +139,32 @@ type Return =

type Apply =
inherit Default1

static member inline ``<*>`` (f: '``Monad<'T->'U>`` , x: '``Monad<'T>`` , [<Optional>]_output: '``Monad<'U>`` , [<Optional>]_mthd:Default2) : '``Monad<'U>`` = Bind.InvokeOnInstance f (fun (x1: 'T->'U) -> Bind.InvokeOnInstance x (fun x2 -> Return.InvokeOnInstance (x1 x2)))
static member inline ``<*>`` (f: '``Applicative<'T->'U>``, x: '``Applicative<'T>``, [<Optional>]_output: '``Applicative<'U>``, [<Optional>]_mthd:Default1) : '``Applicative<'U>`` = ((^``Applicative<'T->'U>`` or ^``Applicative<'T>`` or ^``Applicative<'U>``) : (static member (<*>) : _*_ -> _) f, x)

static member ``<*>`` (f: Lazy<'T->'U> , x: Lazy<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: Lazy<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Lazy<_>.Create (fun () -> f.Value x.Value) : Lazy<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: seq<_> , x: seq<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: seq<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Seq.apply f x : seq<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Lazy<'T->'U> , x: Lazy<'T> , _output: Lazy<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Lazy<_>.Create (fun () -> f.Value x.Value) : Lazy<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: seq<_> , x: seq<'T> , _output: seq<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Seq.apply f x : seq<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: IEnumerator<_> , x: IEnumerator<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: IEnumerator<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Enumerator.map2 id f x : IEnumerator<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: IEnumerator<_> , x: IEnumerator<'T> , _output: IEnumerator<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Enumerator.map2 id f x : IEnumerator<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: list<_> , x: list<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: list<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = List.apply f x : list<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: _ [] , x: 'T [] , [<Optional>]_output: 'U [] , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Array.collect (fun x1 -> Array.collect (fun x2 -> [|x1 x2|]) x) f : 'U []
static member ``<*>`` (f: 'r -> _ , g: _ -> 'T , [<Optional>]_output: 'r -> 'U , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = fun x -> f x (g x) : 'U
static member inline ``<*>`` ((a: 'Monoid, f) , (b: 'Monoid, x: 'T) , [<Optional>]_output: 'Monoid * 'U , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = (Plus.Invoke a b, f x) : 'Monoid *'U
static member ``<*>`` ((f: list<_> , x: list<'T> , _output: list<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = List.apply f x : list<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: _ [] , x: 'T [] , _output: 'U []) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Array.collect (fun x1 -> Array.collect (fun x2 -> [|x1 x2|]) x) f : 'U []
static member ``<*>`` ((f: 'r -> _ , g: _ -> 'T , _output: 'r -> 'U) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = fun x -> f x (g x) : 'U
static member inline ``<*>`` (((a: 'Monoid, f) , (b: 'Monoid, x: 'T) , _output: 'Monoid * 'U) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = (Plus.Invoke a b, f x) : 'Monoid *'U
static member ``<*>`` (f: Task<_> , x: Task<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: Task<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Task.apply f x : Task<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Task<_> , x: Task<'T> , _output: Task<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Task.apply f x : Task<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: Async<_> , x: Async<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: Async<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Async.apply f x : Async<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: option<_> , x: option<'T> , [<Optional>]_output: option<'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Option.apply f x : option<'U>
static member ``<*>`` (f: Result<_,'E> , x: Result<'T,'E> , [<Optional>]_output: Result<'b,'E> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Result.apply f x : Result<'U,'E>
static member ``<*>`` (f: Choice<_,'E> , x: Choice<'T,'E> , [<Optional>]_output: Choice<'b,'E> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Choice.apply f x : Choice<'U,'E>
static member inline ``<*>`` (KeyValue(a: 'Key, f), KeyValue(b: 'Key, x: 'T), [<Optional>]_output: KeyValuePair<'Key,'U>, [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) : KeyValuePair<'Key,'U> = KeyValuePair (Plus.Invoke a b, f x)
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Async<_> , x: Async<'T> , _output: Async<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Async.apply f x : Async<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: option<_> , x: option<'T> , _output: option<'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Option.apply f x : option<'U>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Result<_,'E> , x: Result<'T,'E> , _output: Result<'b,'E>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Result.apply f x : Result<'U,'E>
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Choice<_,'E> , x: Choice<'T,'E> , _output: Choice<'b,'E>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Choice.apply f x : Choice<'U,'E>
static member inline ``<*>`` ((KeyValue(a: 'Key, f), KeyValue(b: 'Key, x: 'T), _output: KeyValuePair<'Key,'U>), [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) : KeyValuePair<'Key,'U> = KeyValuePair (Plus.Invoke a b, f x)

static member ``<*>`` (f: Map<'Key,_> , x: Map<'Key,'T> , [<Optional>]_output: Map<'Key,'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) : Map<'Key,'U> = Map (seq {
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Map<'Key,_> , x: Map<'Key,'T> , _output: Map<'Key,'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) : Map<'Key,'U> = Map (seq {
for KeyValue(k, vf) in f do
match Map.tryFind k x with
| Some vx -> yield k, vf vx
| _ -> () })

static member ``<*>`` (f: Dictionary<'Key,_>, x: Dictionary<'Key,'T> , [<Optional>]_output: Dictionary<'Key,'U> , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) : Dictionary<'Key,'U> =
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Dictionary<'Key,_>, x: Dictionary<'Key,'T> , _output: Dictionary<'Key,'U>) , [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) : Dictionary<'Key,'U> =
let dct = Dictionary ()
for KeyValue(k, vf) in f do
match x.TryGetValue k with
Expand All @@ -176,19 +173,24 @@ type Apply =

static member ``<*>`` (f: Expr<'T->'U>, x: Expr<'T>, [<Optional>]_output: Expr<'U>, [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Expr.Cast<'U> (Expr.Application (f, x))
static member ``<*>`` ((f: Expr<'T->'U>, x: Expr<'T>, _output: Expr<'U>), [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) = Expr.Cast<'U> (Expr.Application (f, x))
static member ``<*>`` (f: ('T->'U) ResizeArray, x: 'T ResizeArray, [<Optional>]_output: 'U ResizeArray, [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) =
static member ``<*>`` ((f: ('T->'U) ResizeArray, x: 'T ResizeArray, _output: 'U ResizeArray), [<Optional>]_mthd: Apply) =
ResizeArray (Seq.collect (fun x1 -> Seq.collect (fun x2 -> Seq.singleton (x1 x2)) x) f) : 'U ResizeArray

static member inline Invoke (f: '``Applicative<'T -> 'U>``) (x: '``Applicative<'T>``) : '``Applicative<'U>`` =
let inline call (mthd : ^M, input1: ^I1, input2: ^I2, output: ^R) =
((^M or ^I1 or ^I2 or ^R) : (static member ``<*>`` : _*_*_*_ -> _) input1, input2, output, mthd)
((^M or ^I1 or ^I2 or ^R) : (static member ``<*>`` : (_*_*_)*_ -> _) (input1, input2, output), mthd)
call(Unchecked.defaultof<Apply>, f, x, Unchecked.defaultof<'``Applicative<'U>``>)

static member inline InvokeOnInstance (f: '``Applicative<'T->'U>``) (x: '``Applicative<'T>``) : '``Applicative<'U>`` =
((^``Applicative<'T->'U>`` or ^``Applicative<'T>`` or ^``Applicative<'U>``) : (static member (<*>) : _*_ -> _) (f, x))

type Apply with
static member inline ``<*>`` ((f: '``Monad<'T->'U>`` , x: '``Monad<'T>`` , _output: '``Monad<'U>`` ), [<Optional>]_mthd:Default2) : '``Monad<'U>`` = Bind.InvokeOnInstance f (fun (x1: 'T->'U) -> Bind.InvokeOnInstance x (fun x2 -> Return.InvokeOnInstance (x1 x2)))
static member inline ``<*>`` ((_: ^t when ^t : null and ^t: struct, _: ^u when ^u : null and ^u: struct, _output: ^r when ^r : null and ^r: struct), _mthd: Default1) = id
static member inline ``<*>`` ((f: '``Applicative<'T->'U>``, x: '``Applicative<'T>``, _output: '``Applicative<'U>``), [<Optional>]_mthd:Default1) : '``Applicative<'U>`` = ((^``Applicative<'T->'U>`` or ^``Applicative<'T>`` or ^``Applicative<'U>``) : (static member (<*>) : _*_ -> _) f, x)

// Functor class ----------------------------------------------------------

type Iterate =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,4 +902,4 @@ module internal MonadOps =
let inline (<*>) f x = Apply.Invoke f x
let inline (<|>) x y = Append.Invoke x y
let inline (>=>) (f: 'a->'``Monad<'b>``) (g: 'b->'``Monad<'c>``) (x: 'a) : '``Monad<'c>`` = f x >>= g
let inline (>=>) (f: 'a->'``Monad<'b>``) (g: 'b->'``Monad<'c>``) (x: 'a) : '``Monad<'c>`` = f x >>= g

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