Use this module to deploy a puppetmaster server via 'puppet apply' command and avoid using a few manual steps.
It requires the PuppetLabs Repository added before using the module.
For Debian systems:
$ puppet module install puppetlabs-apt
And then add data below to your node resource:
apt::source { 'puppetlabs':
location => '',
repos => 'main dependencies',
key => '4BD6EC30',
key_server => '',
For RHEL systems:
yumrepo {
name => 'puppetlabs-products',
descr => 'Puppet Labs Products El 6 - $basearch',
baseurl => '$basearch',
priority => '5',
failovermethod => 'priority',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '1',
gpgkey => '';
name => 'puppetlabs-deps',
descr => 'Puppet Labs Dependencies El 6 - $basearch',
baseurl => '$basearch',
priority => '5',
failovermethod => 'priority',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '1',
gpgkey => '';
$ puppet module install fsalum-puppetmaster
Include the following in your master.pp if you plan to install puppetmaster with passenger:
include apache::mod::passenger
class { puppetmaster:
puppetmaster_service_ensure => 'stopped',
puppetmaster_service_enable => 'false',
puppetmaster_report => 'true',
puppetmaster_autosign => 'true',
puppetmaster_modulepath => '$confdir/modules:$confdir/modules-0',
And run:
$ puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules master.pp
You can also set some extra parameters to enable or disable a few options:
Specify the package update state. Defaults to 'present'. Possible value is 'latest'.
Specify the service running state. Defaults to 'running'. Possible value is 'stopped'.
Specify the service enable state. Defaults to 'true'. Possible value is 'false'.
Specify the Puppet Master server name.
Specify the Puppet Master certificate name. It is usually the server hostname.
Send reports after every transction. Defaults to 'true'. Possible value is 'false'.
Whether to enable autosign. Defaults to 'false'. Possible value is 'true' or file path.
List of reports to generate. See documentation for possible values.
The URL used by the http reports processor to send reports.
The node facts terminus. Defaults to facter. Possible value is 'PuppetDB'.
Defines the module path.
Defines the template path.
Felipe Salum [email protected]