This is the source for my personal website at
It uses the amazing al-folio jekyll theme, check here if you want to use it too. It is hosted for free using github-pages.
I modified _includes/resume/languages.liquid to be able to use emojis as icons for languages in my resume.
<div class="list-groups">
{% for content in data[1] %}
<div class="list-group col-md-6">
<table class="table-cv list-group-table">
{% if content.icon %}
- <td class="list-group-category-icon">
- <i class="{{ content.icon }}"></i>
- </td>
+ {% if content.icon[0] == 'f' %}
+ <td class="list-group-category-icon">
+ <i class="{{ content.icon }}"></i>
+ </td>
+ {% else %}
+ <td class="list-group-category-icon">
+ {{ content.icon }}
+ </td>
+ {% endif %}
{% else %}
<td class="list-group-category-icon"></td>
{% endif %}