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Fred G edited this page Jul 11, 2014 · 1 revision

Setting up a development environment for WindowTester

Please note: This guide is still referring to the SVN repository on An updated guide for working with this Git repository will follow soon.

  1. Eclipse
  1. Eclipse delta pack
  • Download the Eclipse delta pack corresponding to the Eclipse version you want to use
  • Extract the delta pack to ECLIPSE_HOME/delta-pack/eclipse/plugins (ECLIPSE_HOME is the root dir of your Eclipse installation)
  1. SVN support
  1. WindowTester
  • You can use the provided team project set to import all necessary plugins
  • Or checkout the !WindowTester plugins manually from
  • Not all plugins are needed for developing !WindowTester, eg. the following plugins are either unfinished, deprecated or abandoned projects:
    • com.windowtester.pro_buildjavadoc
    • com.windowtester.runtime.junit4
    • com.windowtester.runtime.junit4_test
    • com.windowtester.runtime.legacy
    • com.windowtester.server.core
    • com.windowtester.server.core_feature
    • com.windowtester.server.ui
    • com.windowtester.server.ui_feature
    • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.legacy
  • The following plugins contain only example projects:
    • com.windowtester.example.contactmanager.rcp
    • com.windowtester.example.contactmanager.rcp_test_feature
    • com.windowtester.example.contactmanager.rcp_test
    • com.windowtester.example.contactmanager.swing
    • com.windowtester.example.contactmanager.swing_test
  • Depending on your platform you can remove or close the other platform specific plugins
    • eg. if you want to develop on a Linux 32 bit platform, you can close (or remove) the following plugins:
      • com.windowtester.swt.macosx
      • com.windowtester.swt.macosx.cocoa
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.linux.motif.x86
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.macosx.carbon.x86
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.macosx.cocoa
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.macosx.cocoa.x86
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.macosx.cocoa.x86_64
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.win32.win32.x86
      • com.windowtester.swt.runtime.win32.win32.x86_64
  1. Compile errors
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