This is another example of simple helm chart with Nginx Ingress. This demo is currently only tested in following platform
Kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0 root:xnu-7195.141.19~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
OS: MacOs Big Sur version 11.6.3
All commands must be run within the same directory as the Makefile
make prepare
- to install the required depenciesmake init
- initialize the kubernetes cluster withkind
make compose
- bring up the containers usingdocker-compose
make install
- install the helm chart to be deployed in thekind
clustermake update
- update the deployed resources in thekind
cluster with the latest chart changesmake uninstall
- uninstall the running resources created by the chart in thekind
clustermake destroy
- clean up all resources e.g clusters, networking, and imagemake help
- print out the Makefile content to see the complete usages