AI-TAC is a deep convoluional network for predicting mouse immune cell ATAC-seq signal from peak sequences using data from the Immunological Genome Project:
The code was written in python v3.6.3 and pytorch v1.4.0, and run on NVIDIA P100 Pascal GPUs.
The required input is a bed file with ATAC-seq peak locations, the reference genome and a file with normalized peak heights. The code for processing raw data is in data_processing/; for example, to convert the ImmGen mouse data set to one-hot encoded sequences and save in the data directory, run:
python "../data/ImmGenATAC1219.peak.filteredSM0.05.bed" "../data/ATAC_Data_Intensity_FilteredPeaksLogQuantile.txt" "../mm10/" "mouse"
The model can then be trained by running:
python model_name '../data/one_hot_seqs.npy' '../data/cell_type_array.npy' '../data/peak_names.npy'
To extract first layer motifs run:
python -u model_name '../data/one_hot_seqs.npy' '../data/cell_type_array.npy' '../data/peak_names.npy'