This plugin make it possible to write hooks in lua scripts.
Lua virtual machine is implemented by luerl which supports Lua 5.2. Following features may not work properly:
- label and goto
- tail-call optimisation in return
- only limited standard libraries
- proper handling of __metatable
For the supported functions, please refer to luerl's project page.
Lua scripts are stored in hook_lua directory, and will be loaded automatically. If a script is changed during runtime, it should be reloaded to take effect.
Each lua script could export several functions binding with emqttd hooks, triggered by message publish, topic subscribe, client connect, etc. Different lua scripts may export same type function, binding with a same event. But their order being triggered is not guaranteed.
To start this plugin, run following command:
bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_lua_hook
- Since lua VM is run on erlang VM, its performance is poor. Please do NOT write long or complicated lua scripts which may degrade entire system.
- It's hard to debug lua script in emqttd environment. Recommended to unit test your lua script in your host first. If everything is OK, deploy it to empttd hook_lua directory.
- Global variable will lost its value for each call. Do NOT use global variable in lua scripts.
function on_message_publish(topic, payload, qos, retain)
-- do your job here
if some_condition then
return new_topic, new_payload, new_qos, new_retain
return false
This API is called before publishing message into mqtt engine. It's possible to change message or cancel publish in this API.
- topic : a string, mqtt message's topic
- payload : a string, mqtt message's payload
- qos : a number, mqtt message's QOS (0, 1, 2)
- retain : a boolean, mqtt message's retain flag
- new_topic : a string, change mqtt message's topic
- new_payload : a string, change mqtt message's payload
- new_qos : a number, change mqtt message's QOS
- new_retain : a boolean, change mqtt message's retain flag
- false : cancel publishing this mqtt message
function on_message_delivered(ClientId, Username, topic, payload, qos, retain)
-- do your job here
return 0
This API is called after a message has been pushed to mqtt clients.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- topic : a string, mqtt message's topic
- payload : a string, mqtt message's payload
- qos : a number, mqtt message's QOS (0, 1, 2)
- retain : a boolean, mqtt message's retain flag
- always be 0
function on_message_acked(ClientId, Username, Topic, Payload, Qos, Retain)
return 0
This API is called after a message has been acknowledged.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- topic : a string, mqtt message's topic
- payload : a string, mqtt message's payload
- qos : a number, mqtt message's QOS (0, 1, 2)
- retain : a boolean, mqtt message's retain flag
- always be 0
function on_client_connected(ClientId, UserName, ReturnCode)
return 0
This API is called after a mqtt client has establish a connection with broker.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- ReturnCode : a number, has following values
- 0 : Connection accepted
- 1 : Unacceptable protocol version
- 2 : Client Identifier is correct UTF-8 but not allowed by the Server
- 3 : Server unavailable
- 4 : Username or password is malformed
- 5 : Client is not authorized to connect
- always be 0
function on_client_subscribe(ClientId, Username, Topic)
-- do your job here
if some_condition then
return new_topic
return false
This API is called before mqtt engine process client's subscribe command. It is possible to change topic or cancel it.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- Topic : a string, mqtt message's topic
- new_topic : a string, change mqtt message's topic
- false : cancel subscription
function on_client_unsubscribe(ClientId, Username, Topic)
-- do your job here
if some_condition then
return new_topic
return false
This API is called before mqtt engine process client's unsubscribe command. It is possible to change topic or cancel it.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- Topic : a string, mqtt message's topic
- new_topic : a string, change mqtt message's topic
- false : cancel unsubscription
function on_client_disconnected(ClientId, Username, Error)
return 0
This API is called after a mqtt client has disconnected.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- Error : a string, denote the disconnection reason.
- always be 0.
function on_session_subscribed(ClientId, Username, Topic)
return 0
This API is called after a subscription has been done.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- Topic : a string, mqtt's topic filter.
- always be 0.
function on_session_unsubscribed(ClientId, Username, Topic)
return 0
This API is called after a unsubscription has been done.
- ClientId : a string, mqtt client id.
- Username : a string mqtt username
- Topic : a string, mqtt's topic filter.
- always be 0.
function register_hook()
return "hook_name"
function register_hook()
return "hook_name1", "hook_name2", ... , "hook_nameX"
This API exports hook(s) implemented in its lua script.
- hook_name must be a string, which is equal to the hook API(s) implemented. Possible values:
- "on_message_publish"
- "on_message_delivered"
- "on_message_acked"
- "on_client_connected"
- "on_client_subscribe"
- "on_client_unsubscribe"
- "on_client_disconnected"
- "on_session_subscribed"
- "on_session_unsubscribed"
function on_message_publish(topic, payload, qos, retain)
return topic, "hello", qos, retain
function register_hook()
return "on_message_publish"
Save this script as example.lua in hook_lua directory. emq-lua-hook will load it automatically during bootstrap.
emqttd_ctl luahook load script_name
This command will load lua file "script_name.lua" in hook_lua directory, into emqttd hook.
emqttd_ctl luahook unload script_name
This command will unload lua file "script_name.lua" out of emqttd hook.
emqttd_ctl luahook reload script_name
This command will reload lua file "script_name.lua" in hook_lua. It is useful if a lua script has been modified and apply it immediately.
emqttd_ctl luahook enable script_name
This command will rename lua file "script_name.lua.x" to "script_name.lua", and load it immediately.
emqttd_ctl luahook disable script_name
This command will unload this script, and rename lua file "script_name.lua" to "script_name.lua.x", which will not be loaded during next boot.
Apache License Version 2.0
Feng Lee [email protected]