CLI utility to uniformly rotate hue of colors in a css file.
Shown below is stock bootstrap modified with the npx csshue
command to give it a green tint by rotating colors by 200 degrees.
Colors change everywhere, this may cause text readability issues, to address this issue all text is darkened to an almost black color. Text should be dark, in general. You can change that value or disable it altogether via the -t flag.
npx csshue --input old.css --rotate 180 --output new.css
npx csshue --input --rotate 140 --output pukestrap.min.css
Generate 0-345 variations.
for (( c=0; c<=$((360-$STEP)); c=$((c+$STEP)) ))
npx csshue --input --rotate $c --output pukestrap.`printf "%03.0f" $c`.min.css
Example only; use a local/cached copy of bootstrap.min.css please.
- input flag can be a file or url
- rotation can be more than 360, it will wrap around
- output can be STDOUT or filename
- Supports hue rotation only, serves as a template for other transformation utils.
npx csshue --input original.css --rotate 180 --output redesigned.css
Or grab a file from some CDN (Using a remote url)
npx csshue --input --rotate 140 --output pukestrap.min.css