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hooray committed Aug 5, 2024
1 parent 2219f59 commit b581cf6
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Showing 6 changed files with 515 additions and 405 deletions.
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions src/components/LoginForm/index.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
name: 'LoginForm',
const props = defineProps<{
account?: string
const emits = defineEmits<{
onLogin: [account: string]
onRegister: [account: string]
onResetPassword: [account: string]
const userStore = useUserStore()
const title = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TITLE
const loading = ref(false)
// 登录方式,default 账号密码登录,qrcode 扫码登录
const type = ref('default')
const formRef = ref<FormInstance>()
const form = ref({
account: props.account ?? localStorage.login_account ?? '',
password: '',
remember: !!localStorage.login_account,
const rules = ref<FormRules>({
account: [
{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', message: '请输入用户名' },
password: [
{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', message: '请输入密码' },
{ min: 6, max: 18, trigger: 'blur', message: '密码长度为6到18位' },
function handleLogin() {
formRef.value?.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
loading.value = true
userStore.login(form.value).then(() => {
if (form.value.remember) {
localStorage.setItem('login_account', form.value.account)
else {
emits('onLogin', form.value.account)
}).finally(() => {
loading.value = false
function testAccount(account: string) {
form.value.account = account
form.value.password = '123456'

<ElForm ref="formRef" :model="form" :rules="rules" class="min-h-500px w-full flex-col-stretch-center p-12">
<div class="mb-6">
v-model="type" :options="[
{ label: '账号密码登录', value: 'default' },
{ label: '扫码登录', value: 'qrcode' },
<template v-if="type === 'default'">
<h3 class="mb-8 text-xl color-[var(--el-text-color-primary)] font-bold">
欢迎使用 {{ title }} ! 👋🏻
<ElFormItem prop="account">
<ElInput v-model="form.account" placeholder="用户名" type="text" tabindex="1">
<template #prefix>
<SvgIcon name="i-ri:user-3-fill" />
<ElFormItem prop="password">
<ElInput v-model="form.password" type="password" placeholder="密码" tabindex="2" show-password @keyup.enter="handleLogin">
<template #prefix>
<SvgIcon name="i-ri:lock-2-fill" />
<div class="mb-4 flex-center-between">
<ElCheckbox v-model="form.remember">
<ElLink type="primary" :underline="false" @click="emits('onResetPassword', form.account)">
<ElButton :loading="loading" type="primary" size="large" style="width: 100%;" @click.prevent="handleLogin">
<div class="mt-4 flex-center gap-2 text-sm color-[var(--el-text-color-secondary)]">
<ElLink type="primary" :underline="false" @click="emits('onRegister', form.account)">
<template v-else-if="type === 'qrcode'">
<div class="flex-col-center">
<el-image src="" class="h-[250px] w-[250px]" />
<div class="mt-2 op-50">
<div class="mt-4 text-center -mb-4">
<ElButton type="primary" size="small" plain @click="testAccount('admin')">
<ElButton size="small" plain @click="testAccount('test')">

<style lang="scss" scoped>
:deep(input[type="password"]::-ms-reveal) {
display: none;
.el-form-item {
margin-bottom: 24px;
:deep(.el-input) {
width: 100%;
height: 48px;
line-height: inherit;
input {
height: 48px;
.el-input__suffix {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.el-input__prefix {
left: 10px;
.el-input__suffix {
right: 10px;
:deep(.el-divider__text) {
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: var(--g-container-bg);
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions src/components/RegisterForm/index.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
name: 'RegisterForm',
const props = defineProps<{
account?: string
const emits = defineEmits<{
onLogin: [account: string]
onRegister: [account: string]
const loading = ref(false)
const formRef = ref<FormInstance>()
const form = ref({
account: props.account ?? '',
captcha: '',
password: '',
checkPassword: '',
const rules = ref<FormRules>({
account: [
{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', message: '请输入用户名' },
captcha: [
{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', message: () => '请输入验证码' },
password: [
{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', message: '请输入密码' },
{ min: 6, max: 18, trigger: 'blur', message: '密码长度为6到18位' },
checkPassword: [
{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', message: '请再次输入密码' },
validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
if (value !== form.value.password) {
callback(new Error('两次输入的密码不一致'))
else {
function handleRegister() {
message: '注册模块仅提供界面演示,无实际功能,需开发者自行扩展',
type: 'warning',
formRef.value?.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
// 这里编写业务代码
emits('onRegister', form.value.account)

<ElForm ref="formRef" :model="form" :rules="rules" class="min-h-500px w-full flex-col-stretch-center p-12">
<h3 class="mb-8 text-xl color-[var(--el-text-color-primary)] font-bold">
探索从这里开始! 🚀
<ElFormItem prop="account">
<ElInput v-model="form.account" placeholder="用户名" tabindex="1">
<template #prefix>
<SvgIcon name="i-ri:user-3-fill" />
<ElFormItem prop="captcha">
<ElInput v-model="form.captcha" placeholder="验证码" tabindex="2">
<template #prefix>
<SvgIcon name="i-ic:baseline-verified-user" />
<template #append>
<ElFormItem prop="password">
<ElInput v-model="form.password" type="password" placeholder="密码" tabindex="3" show-password>
<template #prefix>
<SvgIcon name="i-ri:lock-2-fill" />
<ElFormItem prop="checkPassword">
<ElInput v-model="form.checkPassword" type="password" placeholder="确认密码" tabindex="4" show-password>
<template #prefix>
<SvgIcon name="i-ri:lock-2-fill" />
<ElButton :loading="loading" type="primary" size="large" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 20px;" @click.prevent="handleRegister">
<div class="mt-4 flex-center gap-2 text-sm color-[var(--el-text-color-secondary)]">
<ElLink type="primary" :underline="false" @click="emits('onLogin', form.account)">

<style lang="scss" scoped>
:deep(input[type="password"]::-ms-reveal) {
display: none;
.el-form-item {
margin-bottom: 24px;
:deep(.el-input) {
width: 100%;
height: 48px;
line-height: inherit;
input {
height: 48px;
.el-input__suffix {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.el-input__prefix {
left: 10px;
.el-input__suffix {
right: 10px;

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