Just run the below examples, replacing com.felstar.HelloWorld
with com.felstar.HelloWorldIO
Run it with no params
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld"
Run it with --help param, displays the help for the app and its params
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld --help"
Run it with --target param
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld --target Dino"
Run it with -t short param
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld -t Ralf"
Run it with positional params
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld Dave Ralf"
Run it with forbidden name for positional param
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld John"
Run it with refined number that doesn't match PosInt
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld --posInt -123"
Run it with unparseable number
sbt "runMain com.felstar.HelloWorld --posInt woof"