This is our project for course GLO-4003 at Laval University. We are team 4 : L'inquisition espagnole.
To send emails, we need to have the file data/
set correctly. An example file is provided to present how this file should be made.
Maven is used as a build automation tool, as well as a dependency manager. To build the application, use :
mvn clean install
To execute the application, use :
mvn exec:java
The app will be running on http://localhost:8080/api.
Tests are located in src/test/java/ca/ulaval/glo4003
. They are all checked pre-commit and during the CI pipeline. Coverage report are generated using Jacoco during the report built phase.
To run unit tests, use :
mvn test
To report code coverage after testing the app, use :
mvn jacoco:report
This will generate target/site/jacoco/index.html
, which can be opened in any browser.
Code style is verified at each commit. To apply Google Java Code Style throughout the source code, use :
mvn git-code-format:format-code -Dgcf.globPattern=**/*
To simply check code style, use :
mvn git-code-format:validate-code-format -Dgcf.globPattern=**/*
As said above, all requests for this app are listed on our GitHub Pages. We used RAML 1.0. To render documentation, you must install npm
dependencies and start the script :
cd /docs
npm install
npm start