Unwinds arrays in the similar way like MongoDB $unwind. Supports shallow and deep nested paths, defined as a string with dot notation.
- @param {object} dataObject The object to be unwinded.
- @param {Options} options specify path that can be used define deep mapping using dots.
- @returns {Array} The resulting uwinded array.
export declare function unwind(dataObject: object, options: Options): Array<object> export declare interface Options { path: string preserveEmptyArray: boolean }
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch] -m "Release %s"
const result = unwind( { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: [1, 2] }, { path: 'topLevelArr' } ) /*[{title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: 1},{title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: 2}]*/
const { unwind } = require('unwind-array') const result = unwind( { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: [ { innerOneArr: [{ innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }], name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: [{ innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }], innerEmptyArr: [] }, { name: 'blah2' } ] }, { path: 'topLevelArr.innerOneArr' } ) /*expect(result.length).to.be.equal(3) expect(result).to.be.deep.equal([ { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerEmptyArr: [], innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: [ { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' } ] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerEmptyArr: [], innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: [ { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' } ] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { name: 'blah2' } } ])*/
more advanced usage example of unwinding multiple paths and
const { unwind } = require('unwind-array') const result = unwind( { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: [ { innerOneArr: [ { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' } ], name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: [ { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' } ], innerThreeArr: [{ innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: [{ num: 1 }, { mum: 2 }] }], innerEmptyArr: [] }, { name: 'blah2' } ] }, { path: 'topLevelArr' } ) .reduce((agg, item) => [...agg, ...unwind(item, { path: 'topLevelArr.innerOneArr' })], []) .reduce( (agg, item) => [ ...agg, ...unwind(item, { path: 'topLevelArr.innerEmptyArr', preserveEmptyArray: true }) ], [] ) .reduce((agg, item) => [...agg, ...unwind(item, { path: 'topLevelArr.innerThreeArr.innerInnerOneArr' })], []) .reduce((agg, item) => [...agg, ...unwind(item, { path: 'topLevelArr.innerTwoArr' })], []) /*expect(result.length).to.be.equal(19) expect(result).to.be.deep.equal([ { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyOne: 'test1' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyTwo: 'test2' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { num: 1 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyOne: 'test5' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyTwo: 'test3' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { innerOneArr: { innerOnePropertyThree: 'test3' }, name: 'blah', innerTwoArr: { innerTwoPropertyThree: 'test8' }, innerThreeArr: { innerThreeProperty: 'test1', innerInnerOneArr: { mum: 2 } }, innerEmptyArr: [] } }, { title: 'foobar', topLevelArr: { name: 'blah2' } } ])*/