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Add support for STP and Yices2 #158

Add support for STP and Yices2

Add support for STP and Yices2 #158

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
on: [push, pull_request]
CVC4_URL: ""
CVC5_URL: ""
racket-version: ['8.1', 'current']
racket-variant: ['CS']
allow-failure: [false]
name: Racket ${{ matrix.racket-version }} (${{ matrix.racket-variant }})
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.allow-failure }}
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Setup Racket
uses: Bogdanp/[email protected]
architecture: x64
version: ${{ matrix.racket-version }}
variant: ${{ matrix.racket-variant }}
- name: Install solvers
run: |
mkdir bin &&
wget $CVC4_URL -nv -O bin/cvc4 &&
chmod +x bin/cvc4 &&
wget $BOOLECTOR_URL -nv -O boolector.tar.gz &&
mkdir boolector &&
tar xzf boolector.tar.gz -C boolector --strip-components=1 &&
pushd boolector &&
./contrib/ &&
./contrib/ &&
./ &&
cd build &&
make &&
popd &&
cp boolector/build/bin/boolector bin/ &&
rm -rf boolector* &&
wget $CVC5_URL -nv -O bin/cvc5 &&
chmod +x bin/cvc5 &&
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build &&
pip3 install meson &&
wget $BITWUZLA_URL -nv -O bitwuzla.tar.gz &&
mkdir bitwuzla &&
tar xzf bitwuzla.tar.gz -C bitwuzla --strip-components=1 &&
pushd bitwuzla &&
./ &&
pushd build &&
ninja &&
popd &&
popd &&
cp bitwuzla/build/src/main/bitwuzla bin/ &&
sudo apt-get install -y git cmake bison flex libboost-all-dev python2 perl &&
wget $STP_URL -nv -O stp.tar.gz &&
mkdir stp &&
tar xzf stp.tar.gz -C stp --strip-components=1 &&
pushd stp &&
./scripts/deps/ &&
./scripts/deps/ &&
./scripts/deps/ &&
./scripts/deps/ &&
mkdir build &&
pushd build &&
cmake .. &&
cmake --build . &&
popd &&
popd &&
cp stp/build/stp bin/stp &&
sudo apt-get install -y gperf &&
wget $YICES2_URL -nv -O yices2.tar.gz &&
mkdir yices2 &&
tar xvf yices2.tar.gz -C yices2 --strip-components=1 &&
pushd yices2 &&
autoconf &&
./configure --prefix=$PWD/out/ &&
make install &&
popd &&
cp yices2/out/bin/yices-smt2 bin/yices-smt2
- name: Install Rosette
run: raco pkg install --auto --name rosette
- name: Compile Rosette tests
run: raco make test/all-rosette-tests.rkt
- name: Run Rosette tests
run: raco test test/all-rosette-tests.rkt
- name: Compile SDSL tests
run: raco make test/all-sdsl-tests.rkt
- name: Run SDSL tests
run: raco test test/all-sdsl-tests.rkt