Source code repository of the Dynamic Linked-Data Index (DLDI), a storage backend for Linked Data. Developed as part of my master's project.
There is a need for a persistable and queryable linked-data format which supports performant updates. HDT satisfies this, except it does not support performant data removals. This software should satisfy this niche.
Discontinued since Trident solves the problem in a better way (simultaneous queries over different static structures with on-the-fly mergeable results, combined with merges of the structures in background processes).
- Generating a DLDI from plain-text linked-data files.
- Composing a DLDI by combining multiple existing DLDIs, as removals or additions.
- Term prefix queries in a given triple-term position.
- Term prefix queries for any combination of triple-term positions.
- Triple pattern queries.
- Needs code quality improvements / cleanups.
- Needs extensive testing, through unit tests or otherwise.
- Needs benchmarking and comparison against other linked data indexes/storage formats.
./Release/dldi --help
TODO set up actual CI.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target ci .
This is needed for running the benchmark.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target ci -t dldi:latest .