This is an MVP for Delia - a React web application for proposing and publishing deals with providers on the Polka Storage System Parachain. This application provides a step-by-step interface to connect to providers, propose deals, upload files, and publish storage deals.
- Connect to storage providers via automatic discovery from the chain
- View provider information and status
- Create and propose storage deals with:
- Flexible time selection using calendar and 30-minute interval picker
- Block number visualization and conversion
- Maximum deal duration limit of 1800 blocks
- Real-time cost estimation
- Upload a file
- Sign and publish deals with automatic SCALE encoding (signing is done via the polkadot.js browser wallet)
- Real-time chain synchronization
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- lucide-react for icons
- WebSocket for chain communication
- Fetch API for provider interactions
flowchart LR
Start([Open App]) -->|Extension| Connect[/Connect to Polkadot.js/]
Connect --> Check{Success?}
Check -->|Yes| Account[Store Account]
Account --> Next[/Proceed to Provider Selection/]
Check -->|No| Error[/Show Extension Required/]
style Start fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Next fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Check fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ff9800
flowchart LR
Start([Chain Connection]) -->|WebSocket| Fetch[/Fetch Providers/]
Fetch -->|state_getKeys| List[List Providers]
List --> Select[/Select Provider/]
Select -->|/info| Check{Success?}
Check -->|Yes| Info[Store Provider Info]
Info --> Next[/Proceed to Deal Proposal/]
Check -->|No| Retry[/Show Error & Retry/]
style Start fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Next fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Check fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ff9800
flowchart LR
Start([Deal Parameters]) -->|Time Selection| Convert[/Convert to Blocks/]
Convert --> Check1{Duration <= 1800?}
Check1 -->|No| Warning[Show Warning]
Check1 -->|Yes| Propose[/Propose Deal/]
Propose -->|/propose_deal| Check2{Success?}
Check2 -->|Yes| CID[Store Deal CID]
CID --> Next[/Proceed to Upload/]
Check2 -->|No| Retry[/Show Error & Retry/]
style Start fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Next fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Check1,Check2 fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ff9800
flowchart LR
Start([Select File]) -->|Calculate CID| Process[/Process File/]
Process -->|/calculate_piece_cid| Upload[/Upload File/]
Upload -->|PUT /upload/:dealCid| Check{Success?}
Check -->|Yes| Next[/Proceed to Publish/]
Check -->|No| Retry[/Show Error & Retry/]
style Start fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Next fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Check fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ff9800
flowchart LR
Start([Deal Data]) -->|Encode| Proposal[/Encode Proposal/]
Proposal -->|/encode_proposal| Sign[/Sign with Extension/]
Sign --> Publish[/Publish Deal/]
Publish -->|/publish_deal| Check{Success?}
Check -->|Yes| ID[Store Deal ID]
ID --> Complete([Deal Complete])
Check -->|No| Retry[/Show Error & Retry/]
style Start fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Complete fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#43a047
style Check fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#ff9800
In order for the MVP to work properly, please ensure that you have:
- The testnet running (
just testnet
from the Polka Storage repo) - Added balance to a chosen storage provider account eg. Charlie (as well as to the account you'll use as a client)
- Registered Charlie as a storage provider
- Started the storage provider server with the
feature enabled:
RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --features delia -- \
--sr25519-key //Charlie \
--seal-proof "2KiB" \
--post-proof "2KiB" \
--database-directory ./tmp/db \
--storage-directory ./tmp/storage \
--porep-parameters ../../../2KiB.porep.params
- Installed the Polkadot.js extension
- Clone the repository
git clone <repository-url>
cd delia
- Install dependencies
npm install
# or
yarn install
- Start the development server
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
- Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser
The application connects to:
- Chain WebSocket:
- Provider API:
- Upload service:
- Maximum deal duration: 1800 blocks
- Minimum deal start: Current block + 1
- Time selection: 30-minute intervals
- Block time: ~6 seconds
The application provides two modes for setting deal duration:
Block Mode
- Direct block number input
- Real-time validation against chain state
- Duration limit checking
Time Mode
- Calendar-based date selection
- 30-minute interval time dropdown
- Automatic conversion to/from block numbers
- European date format (DD/MM/YYYY)