This wiki describes how to install supporting Papertrail tools for development on your Mac. Before we can start, you need to go through the Mac OSX Setup guide to help you install all the baseline tools that are required.
NOTE : As you read and follow these steps, please feel free to send any feedback or comments you may have.
The following additional tools need to be installed as they are not part of the baseline setup. It is advisable to use Brew to install these packages as it will help manage future updates/upgrades :
- PostgreSQL 9.4 : bash brew install homebrew/versions/postgresql94
- PgAdmin3 : brew cask install pgadmin3
- Gradle : brew install gradle
- IntelliJ : brew cask install intellij-idea
- LibreOffice : brew cask install libreoffice
- Hipchat : brew cask install hipchat
All Papertrail source is located in the Mailcomp (Pty) Ltd t/a Egis GitHub Repo. There, you will find sub-repositories that contain a description of the module/sub-modules. Read this carefully as it will give you and in-depth overview of how the module/sub-modules operates.
In laymen terms, Papertrail has a UI and backend component. To understand Papertrail in more detail, have a look at the PaperTrail Developer Portal for a in-depth understanding on it's components, how to build and deploy them, how they go through the Dev Ops Cycle,etc