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Event listeners
In this page, the main methodology concerning LibreOffice event listeners is outlined.
While we are describing listener structs of LibreOffice, the main principles apply to many fields and implementations. Generally, listeners are instances that are activated and execute methods whenever the suitable event is occurred. Their applications extend from simple programming implementations to user interface element interaction. For example, a listener can watch and execute whenever a dialog element is focused by mouse cursor.
In LibreOffice terms, every listener interface is a subclass of XEventListener. When working with interfaces, there are several class methods that must be implemented by the developer. As we can easily observe, the ancestor XEventListener requires the implementation of disposing()
method along others defined by sub-interfaces.
Listening to window events is mandatory for the creation of dialogs and wizards that offer a level of user interaction. The XTopWindowListener interface polls for window events such as when a window is opened, closed or minimized. The following code, part of Page Numbering Addon, illustrate a simple usage and implementation of window listeners:
sub Main
oLib = DialogLibraries.GetByName("PageNumberingAddon")
myDlg = oLib.GetByName("PageNumberingDialog")
oDlg = CreateUnoDialog(myDlg)
oListenerTop = createUnoListener("TopListen_", "com.sun.star.awt.XTopWindowListener")
' ******DO STUFF****** '
' remove listener
end sub
sub TopListen_WindowClosing
end sub
sub TopListen_windowOpened(e As Object)
Dim oDialog1Model
Dim oDialog1
' Initialize all dialog fields with default values here
oDialog1 = e.Source
oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model 'Load the Model of the Dialog
end sub
' Unused window Listeners for now
sub TopListen_windowClosed
end sub
sub TopListen_windowMinimized
end sub
sub TopListen_windowNormalized
end sub
sub TopListen_windowActivated
end sub
sub TopListen_windowDeactivated
end sub
sub TopListen_disposing
end sub
In basic, there are no classes and objects so a prefix for the listener's methods is required. As seen in the first argument of createUnoListener()
we use the prefix TopListen_*
. This is not the case with Python implementation that offers object oriented principles.
from com.sun.star.awt import XTopWindowListener
class oListenerTop_Class(XTopWindowListener, unohelper.Base):
def __init__(self,):
self.doc = None
def setDocument(self, doc):
self.doc = doc
# XModifyListener
def windowOpened(self, oEvent):
def windowClosed(self, oEvent):
def windowClosing(self, oEvent):
def windowMinimized(self, oEvent):
def windowNormalized(self, oEvent):
def windowActivated(self, oEvent):
def windowDeactivated(self, oEvent):
# parent-interface XEventListener
def disposing(self, oEvent):
pass # normally not needed, but should be callable anyway
The listener constructor is where, exploiting Python function polymorphism, different arguments, after self
can be passed. For defined by the interface functions the required arguments are included in the official interface documentation pages. As we can see in the Basic implementation, access to the window/dialog that the event took place is given through the e
argument that is of type EventObject.
Every LibreOffice listener is implemented using the aforementioned procedure. Next, some examples of different event listeners used in the AutoText addon
and implemented in Python are shown:
from com.sun.star.awt import XMouseListener
class MouseListener(unohelper.Base, XMouseListener):
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
def disposing(self, ev):
# XActionListener
def mousePressed(self, ev):
dialog = ev.Source.getContext()
action_command = ev
smgr = self.ctx.ServiceManager
auto_list = dialog.getControl("SavedAutotext")
selected_pos= auto_list.getSelectedItemPos()
psm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
dps = psm.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.AutoTextContainer")
oRange = dps.getByName("mytexts")
selected_autotext = oRange.getByIndex(selected_pos)
preview_label = dialog.getControl("PreviewLabel")
def mouseReleased():
def mouseEntered():
def mouseExited():
from com.sun.star.awt import XActionListener
class ActionListener(unohelper.Base, XActionListener):
def __init__(self, ctx, child):
self.ctx = ctx
self.child = child # Pass child to get access to sub-window elements
def disposing(self, ev):
# XActionListener
def actionPerformed(self, ev):
dialog = ev.Source.getContext()
action_command = ev.ActionCommand
if action_command == "InsertAutoText":
if action_command == "AddSelectedAutoText":
if action_command == "MoreDispatch":
from com.sun.star.awt import XWindowListener
class WindowResizeListener(unohelper.Base, XWindowListener):
def __init__(self, dialog):
self.dialog = dialog
def disposing(self, ev):
# XWindowListener
def windowMoved(self, ev):
def windowShown(self, ev):
def windowHidden(self, ev):
def windowResized(self, ev):
# extends inner window to match with the outer window
if self.dialog:
self.dialog.setPosSize(0, 0, ev.Width, ev.Height, SIZE)
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