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Merge pull request #92 from docknetwork/public-attestation
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public attestation on-chain module
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nmrshll authored Feb 19, 2021
2 parents cd47663 + 346e1ad commit 441c912
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Showing 5 changed files with 405 additions and 2 deletions.
379 changes: 379 additions & 0 deletions runtime/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
//! This module allows DIDs to publically attests to arbirary (and arbitrarily large) RDF
//! claimgraphs. These attestations are not stored on-chain; rather, the attester chooses a storage
//! method by specifying an Iri.
use crate::did::{self, Did, DidSignature};
use crate::StateChange;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use frame_support::{
decl_error, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch::DispatchResult, ensure, traits::Get,
use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed};

pub type Iri = Vec<u8>;

pub trait Trait: system::Trait + did::Trait {
/// The cost charged by the network to store a single byte in chain-state for the life of the
/// chain.
type StorageWeight: Get<Weight>;

#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct Attestation {
priority: u64,
iri: Option<Iri>,

decl_error! {
/// Error for the attest module.
pub enum Error for Module<T: Trait> {
/// The Attestation was not posted because its priority was less than or equal to that of
/// an attestation previously posted by the same entity.
/// Note, the default value for an attestation is the null claim (claiming nothing), with
/// a priority of 0. To override this initial value, a priority of 1 or greater is required.
/// Check to see that the provided priority is not zero as that could be the cause of this
/// error.
/// Signature verification failed while adding blob

decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Blob {
// The priority value provides replay protection and also gives attestations a paritial
// ordering. Signatures with lesser or equal priority to those previously posted by the same
// entity are not accepted by the chain.
// Notice that priority is not a block-number. This is intentional as it yields some desired
// properties and allows some potential use-cases:
// - When publishing consecutive attestations, the attester need not care at which block a
// a previous attestation was included. This means attestations can be made over a
// mono-directional channel.
// - Timestamps may be used as priority when available.
// - A timeline of future attestations may be constructed by encrypting multiple
// signatures, each with the output of a verifiable delay function. A "final"
// attestation may be selected by assigning it the higest prority in the batch.
// The "final" attestation will be acceptable by the runtime regardless of whether its
// predecessors were submitted.
// An attestation on chain with iri set to None is sematically meaningless. Setting the
// iri to None is equivalent to attesting to the empty claimgraph.
// When Attestations::get(did).iri == Some(dat) and dat is a valid utf-8 Iri:
// `[did dock:attestsDocumentContents dat]`.
Attestations: map hasher(blake2_128_concat) Did => Attestation;

decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
#[weight = {
T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 1)
+ signature.weight()
+ attests
.map(|iri| iri.len())
.unwrap_or_default() as Weight
* T::StorageWeight::get()
fn set_claim(
attester: Did,
attests: Attestation,
signature: DidSignature,
) -> DispatchResult {
Module::<T>::set_claim_(origin, attester, attests, signature)

impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
fn set_claim_(
origin: <T as system::Trait>::Origin,
attester: Did,
attests: Attestation,
signature: DidSignature,
) -> DispatchResult {

// check
let payload = StateChange::Attestation((attester, attests.clone())).encode();
let valid = did::Module::<T>::verify_sig_from_did(&signature, &payload, &attester)?;
ensure!(valid, Error::<T>::InvalidSig);
let prev = Attestations::get(&attester);
ensure!(prev.priority < attests.priority, Error::<T>::PriorityTooLow);

// execute
Attestations::insert(&attester, &attests);


mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::test_common::*;
use sp_core::sr25519;

type Mod = crate::attest::Module<Test>;
type Er = crate::attest::Error<Test>;

/// Trigger the PriorityTooLow error by submitting a priority 0 attestation.
fn priority_too_low() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (did, kp) = newdid();
let att = Attestation {
priority: 0,
iri: None,
let err = Mod::set_claim(
sign(&StateChange::Attestation((did, att)), &kp),
assert_eq!(err, Er::PriorityTooLow.into());

/// assert sizes of encoded Attestation
fn encoded_attestation_size() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
for (priority, iri, expected_size) in [
(0, None, 1 + 1),
(63, None, 1 + 1),
(64, None, 2 + 1),
(256, None, 2 + 1),
(0, Some(vec![]), 1 + 2),
(0, Some(vec![0]), 1 + 3),
(0, Some(vec![0; 63]), 1 + 63 + 2),
(0, Some(vec![0; 64]), 1 + 64 + 3),
(0, Some(vec![0; 256]), 1 + 256 + 3),
(63, Some(vec![0; 256]), 1 + 256 + 3),
(64, Some(vec![0; 256]), 2 + 256 + 3),
assert_eq!(Attestation { priority, iri }.encode().len(), expected_size);

/// Trigger the InvalidSig error by tweaking a value in the plaintext after signing
fn invalid_sig_a() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (dida, kpa) = newdid();
let mut att = Attestation {
priority: 1,
iri: None,
let sig = sign(&StateChange::Attestation((dida, att.clone())), &kpa);
att.priority += 1;
let err = Mod::set_claim(Origin::signed(0), dida, att, sig).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, Er::InvalidSig.into());

/// Trigger the InvalidSig error using a different did for signing
fn invalid_sig_b() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (dida, _kpa) = newdid();
let (_didb, kpb) = newdid();
let att = Attestation {
priority: 1,
iri: None,
let err = Mod::set_claim(
sign(&StateChange::Attestation((dida, att)), &kpb),
assert_eq!(err, Er::InvalidSig.into());

/// Attestations with equal priority are mutually exlusive
fn priority_face_off() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (did, kp) = newdid();

// same iri
&Attestation {
priority: 1,
iri: None,
&Attestation {
priority: 1,
iri: None,

// different iris
&Attestation {
priority: 2,
iri: Some(vec![0]),
&Attestation {
priority: 2,
iri: Some(vec![0, 2, 3]),

/// After attempting a set of attestations the one with highest priority is the one that ends up
/// in chain state.
fn priority_battle_royale() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (did, kp) = newdid();
let prios: Vec<u64> = (0..200).map(|_| rand::random::<u64>()).collect();
for priority in &prios {
let _ = set_claim(
&Attestation {
priority: *priority,
iri: None,

/// An attestation with priority set to the highest value is final.
/// It does not trigger a panic by integer overflow.
fn max_priority_is_final() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (did, kp) = newdid();
&Attestation {
priority: u64::max_value(),
iri: None,
let err = set_claim(
&Attestation {
priority: u64::max_value(),
iri: None,
assert_eq!(err, Er::PriorityTooLow.into());

/// Set an attestation that is not None
fn set_some_attestation() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (did, kp) = newdid();
Attestation {
priority: 0,
iri: None,
&Attestation {
priority: 1,
iri: Some(vec![0, 1, 2]),
Attestation {
priority: 1,
iri: Some(vec![0, 1, 2]),

/// Skip a priority value.
fn skip_prio() {
ext().execute_with(|| {
let (did, kp) = newdid();
for priority in &[1, 2, 4] {
&Attestation {
priority: *priority,
iri: None,

/// helper
fn set_claim(claimer: &did::Did, att: &Attestation, kp: &sr25519::Pair) -> DispatchResult {
&StateChange::Attestation((claimer.clone(), att.clone())),
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion runtime/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ pub struct Blob {
pub trait Trait: system::Trait + did::Trait {
/// Blobs larger than this will not be accepted.
type MaxBlobSize: Get<u32>;
/// The cost charged by the network to store a single byte in chain-state for the life of the
/// chain.
type StorageWeight: Get<Weight>;

decl_error! {
Expand All @@ -54,7 +57,8 @@ decl_storage! {
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
/// Create a new immutable blob.
#[weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 1) + signature.weight() + (1_100 * blob.blob.len()) as Weight]
#[weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 1) + signature.weight() +
(blob.blob.len() as Weight * T::StorageWeight::get())]
pub fn new(
blob: dock::blob::Blob,
Expand Down

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