Assignment 1
- Start an nginx container.
- Port forward to local and check.
- Check logs.
- Go inside the container.
- Stop the container.
Assignment 2
Given that you have instructions to run the go-app ( in pre-requiste )
- Try to create a docker image out of it with the base image of golang:alpine
- Run a container with that image and do a curl a request and make sure you are able to see the output.
- Tag the docker image with v1.
- Run docker history, observe and understand the output.
- Push the docker image to your dockerhub.
Assignment 3
- Create multistage build and run Dockerfile for go -app a. Stage 1 : Build b. Stage 2 : Run
Assignment 4
- Create a volume call it as my-volume
- Create a container and attach it to my-volume
- Change something in the volume folder and add a file with some content.
- Create a second container mounted with same volume. Check if the file exists or not.
Assignment 5
- Create docker-compose file for go-app
- docker-compose up
- Use / endpoint to check the service running
- Use /vote endpoint to add vote
- docker-compose down