Python library to provide a realiable communication link with LightWaveRF lights and switches.
Either clone this resposition and run python install
, or install from pip using pip install lightwave
This library makes use of the public API provided by lightwave that can be found here:
The library supports the following functions:
turn_on_light(device_id, name)
turn_on_switch(device_id, name)
turn_on_with_brightness(device_id, name, brightness)
turn_off(device_id, name)
- device_id takes the form R#D# where R# is the room number and D# is the device number.
- name is the text that will be displayed on the hub.
- brightness is a value from 0 (off) to 255 (full on).
Initialise a link to the hub by passing in the IP address required. Then call a method on the object to modify the device. The first time a switch is turned on or off the device will attempt to pair to the hub. This should then show a message on your WiFi Link asking you to pair the device. You have 12 seconds to push the button on the WiFi Link to accept this.
import asyncio
import time
from lightwave.lightwave import LWLink
async def main():
lwLink = LWLink('')
### R1D3 is room 1 device 3
lwLink.turn_off('R1D3', "Wall Lights")
lwLink.turn_off('R1D4', "Ceiling Lights")
lwLink.turn_on_light('R1D3', "Wall Lights")
lwLink.turn_on_light('R1D4', "Ceiling Lights")
lwLink.turn_off('R1D3', "Wall Lights")
lwLink.turn_off('R1D4', "Ceiling Lights")
lwLink.turn_on_with_brightness('R1D3', "Wall Lights", 25)
lwLink.turn_on_with_brightness('R1D4', "Ceiling Lights", 50)
lwLink.turn_on_switch('R1D1', "Sockets one")
lwLink.turn_on_switch('R1D2', "Sockets two")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.close() is a python script that can be used at the command line to invoke the library and change lights/etc.
The format is: <command> <device> <brightness>
Where command =
on = Turn Light on
off = Turn Light/Switch off
switchon = Turn Switch (socket) on
bright = Turn Light on and set brightness level
Device = the LWRF device name (R1D1, etc)
Brightness = 0-255 (only required for bright command)