Knet v1.4.4
Closed issues:
- Knet build error (#531)
- Make CuArrays work with Knet.load/save. (#587)
- param(KnetArray(rand(2))) makes the ERROR: UndefVarError: array_type not defined (#622)
- MLDatasets uses MNIST label 0:9 instead of 1:10 as in older Knet (#623)
- Error : unsupported symbol trnLin passed to label (#627)
- Knet.seed! failing to work on first function call (#628)
- Error calculating cat gradient on GPU (#632)
- usedmem test is failing (#637)
- karray.jl test fails with new CUDA.jl (#638)
Merged pull requests:
- add powerpc support (#625) (@denizyuret)
- Fixed a bug in Knet.setseed and Knet.seed that causes the first call … (#633) (@egeonat)
- CuArray.ptr => CuArray.baseptr or pointer(CuArray) in CUDA-2.1.0 (#636) (@denizyuret)