cirCodAn (circular Coding sequence Annotator) is a computational tool designed to predict CDS in circRNAs.
- cirCodAn is an extension of CodAn, which was designed to predict CDS in linear RNAs.
Clone the cirCodAn repository:
git clone
Add the cirCodAn and CodAn/bin folder into your PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/ && export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/CodAn/bin/
- to add cirCodAn permanently to your PATH, add the previous "export" commands into your
Apply "execution permission" to executables if needed:
chmod +x $PWD/cirCodAn/*.py && chmod +x $PWD/cirCodAn/CodAn/bin/*
- Python3, Biopython, and Pandas
apt-get install python3-biopython python3-pandas
- Perl, Bioperl and MCE
apt-get install bioperl libmce-perl
- CodAn
- ToPS
Ensure that all requirements are working properly.
If you are not the root user and takes advantage of Conda (i.e., one of the famous environment management system), you can follow the steps below:
Create the conda environment with all dependencies:
conda create -n circodan_env -c bioconda codan pandas
git clone
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/
- to add it permanently to your PATH, add the command
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/
into your~/.bashrc
- to add it permanently to your PATH, add the command
chmod +x $PWD/cirCodAn/*.py
Activate the environment before use:
conda activate circodan_env
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f file, --file=file Mandatory - input circRNAs file (FASTA format),
-o folder, --output=folder
Optional - path to output folder,
/path/to/output/folder/ if not declared, it will be
created at the circRNAs input folder
-m folder, --model=folder
Optional - path to model folder
Basic usage: -f circRNA_seqs.fa
To test if cirCodAn is properly working, just run the testing set: -f example/circRNA_seqs.fa
Expected example output
2023-03-15 17:07:25 -> started cirCodAn v1.0
2023-03-15 17:07:26 -> prediction finished
Number of input sequences -> 138
Number of predicted CDSs -> 104
GTF file with prediction annotation -> example/cirCodAn_output/CDS_predicted.gtf
Predicted CDS seqs FASTA file -> example/cirCodAn_output/CDS_predicted_seqs.fa
Predicted peptides FASTA file -> example/cirCodAn_output/CDS_predicted_seqs_aa.fa
├── CDS_predicted_seqs.fa
├── CDS_predicted_seqs_aa.fa
└── CDS_predicted.gtf
- CodAn/: original CodAn files
- datasets/: datasets used in cirCodAn development and evaluation
- development/: raw data and scripts of cirCodAn development and evaluation
- example/: circRNA example file
- literature_search/: bibliometric analysis files
- models/: ToPS GHMM models for circRNA
If you use or discuss cirCodAn, please cite the following:
Barbosa, D. F., Oliveira, L. S., Nachtigall, P. G., Valentini Junior, R., Souza, N., Paschoal, A. R., Kashiwabara, A. Y. (2024). cirCodAn: A GHMM-based tool for accurate prediction of coding regions in circRNA. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Academic Press. ISSN 1876-1623,
Nachtigall, P. G., Kashiwabara, A. Y., & Durham, A. M. (2021). CodAn: Predictive models for precise identification of coding regions in eukaryotic transcripts. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22(3), 1–11.
To report bugs, to ask for help and to give any feedback, please contact [email protected]