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cirCodAn (circular Coding sequence Annotator) is a computational tool designed to predict CDS in circRNAs.

  • cirCodAn is an extension of CodAn, which was designed to predict CDS in linear RNAs.

Quick Installation

  • Clone the cirCodAn repository:

    • git clone
  • Add the cirCodAn and CodAn/bin folder into your PATH:

    • export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/ && export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/CodAn/bin/
    • to add cirCodAn permanently to your PATH, add the previous "export" commands into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bashprofile
  • Apply "execution permission" to executables if needed:

    • chmod +x $PWD/cirCodAn/*.py && chmod +x $PWD/cirCodAn/CodAn/bin/*


Ensure that all requirements are working properly.

⚠️ Conda environment installation

If you are not the root user and takes advantage of Conda (i.e., one of the famous environment management system), you can follow the steps below:

  • Create the conda environment with all dependencies:

    • conda create -n circodan_env -c bioconda codan pandas
    • git clone
    • export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/
      • to add it permanently to your PATH, add the command export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/cirCodAn/ into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bashprofile
    • chmod +x $PWD/cirCodAn/*.py
  • Activate the environment before use:

    • conda activate circodan_env


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f file, --file=file  Mandatory - input circRNAs file (FASTA format),
  -o folder, --output=folder
                        Optional - path to output folder,
                        /path/to/output/folder/ if not declared, it will be
                        created at the circRNAs input folder
  -m folder, --model=folder
                        Optional - path to model folder

Basic usage: -f circRNA_seqs.fa

Testing the installation

To test if cirCodAn is properly working, just run the testing set: -f example/circRNA_seqs.fa

Expected example output

2023-03-15 17:07:25 -> started cirCodAn v1.0
2023-03-15 17:07:26 -> prediction finished
Number of input sequences -> 138
Number of predicted CDSs  -> 104
GTF file with prediction annotation -> example/cirCodAn_output/CDS_predicted.gtf
Predicted CDS seqs FASTA file -> example/cirCodAn_output/CDS_predicted_seqs.fa
Predicted peptides FASTA file -> example/cirCodAn_output/CDS_predicted_seqs_aa.fa


├── CDS_predicted_seqs.fa
├── CDS_predicted_seqs_aa.fa
└── CDS_predicted.gtf

This repository

  • CodAn/: original CodAn files
  • datasets/: datasets used in cirCodAn development and evaluation
  • development/: raw data and scripts of cirCodAn development and evaluation
  • example/: circRNA example file
  • literature_search/: bibliometric analysis files
  • models/: ToPS GHMM models for circRNA


If you use or discuss cirCodAn, please cite the following:

Barbosa, D. F., Oliveira, L. S., Nachtigall, P. G., Valentini Junior, R., Souza, N., Paschoal, A. R., Kashiwabara, A. Y. (2024). cirCodAn: A GHMM-based tool for accurate prediction of coding regions in circRNA. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Academic Press. ISSN 1876-1623,

Nachtigall, P. G., Kashiwabara, A. Y., & Durham, A. M. (2021). CodAn: Predictive models for precise identification of coding regions in eukaryotic transcripts. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22(3), 1–11.




To report bugs, to ask for help and to give any feedback, please contact [email protected]