Deploys 1+ Virtual Machines to your provided VNet This Terraform module deploys Virtual Machines in Azure with the following characteristics:
- All VMs use managed disks
- VM nics attached to a single virtual network subnet of your choice (new or existing) via
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
location = "westus"
tags = {
environment = "test"
costcenter = "12345"
ppm = "N/A"
fgid = "1234"
appname = "myapp"
data "azurerm_subnet" "subnet" {
name = "${var.subnet_name}"
virtual_network_name = "${var.vnet_name}"
resource_group_name = "${var.vnet_resource_group_name}"
module "loadbalancer" {
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]/deck15/terraform-azurerm-loadbalancer"
type = "private"
prefix = "MyTerraformLB"
resource_group_name = "${}"
subnet_id = "${}"
private_ip_address_allocation = "Static"
private_ip_address = ""
"remote_port" {
ssh = ["Tcp", "22"]
"lb_port" {
https = ["443", "Tcp", "443"]
module "linux_vm" {
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]/deck15/terraform-azurerm-linux-vm"
resource_group_name = "${}"
node_count = "${var.node_count}"
subnet_id = "${}"
vm_name = "${var.vm_name}"
backend_address_pool_id = "${module.loadbalancer.azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool_id}"
admin_username = "${var.admin_username}"
ssh_key_path = "${var.ssh_key_path}"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
resource_group_name | (Required) The name of the resource group in which the resources will be created | string | n/a | yes |
subnet_id | (Required) The subnet id of the virtual network where the virtual machines will reside. | string | n/a | yes |
admin_public_key | Optionally supply the admin public key. If provided, will override variable: sshKey | string | "" |
no |
admin_username | Specifies the name of the administrator account. | string | "linuxadmin" |
no |
availability_set_name | (Optional) Name of the availability set. Default is derived from vm_name | string | "" |
no |
backend_address_pool_id | (Optional) List of Load Balancer Backend Address Pool IDs references to which this NIC belongs | string | "" |
no |
boot_diagnostics_storage_uri | Blob endpoint for the storage account to hold the virtual machine's diagnostic files. This must be the root of a storage account, and not a storage container. | string | "" |
no |
custom_data | (Optional) Specifies custom data to supply to the machine. On linux-based systems, this can be used as a cloud-init script. On other systems, this will be copied as a file on disk. Internally, Terraform will base64 encode this value before sending it to the API. The maximum length of the binary array is 65535 bytes. | string | "" |
no |
data_disk | Create Virtual Machine with attached managed data disk. Default false | string | "false" |
no |
delete_os_disk_on_termination | (Optional) Flag to enable deletion of the OS disk VHD blob or managed disk when the VM is deleted, defaults to true. | string | "true" |
no |
hostname | Hostname to use for the virtual machine. Uses vmName if not provided. | string | "" |
no |
location | (Optional) The location/region where the virtual machines will be created. Uses the location of the resource group by default. | string | "" |
no |
managed_disk_create_option | (Optional) The method to use when creating the managed disk. Values are Import, Empty, Copy, and FromImage. Default = Empty. | string | "Empty" |
no |
managed_disk_prefix | Specifies the name of the managed disk. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. | string | "md" |
no |
managed_disk_size_gb | (Optional) Specifies the size of the os disk in gigabytes. Default 100 GB | string | "100" |
no |
managed_disk_storage_account_type | (Optional) The type of storage to use for the managed disk. Allowable values are Standard_LRS or Premium_LRS. Default = Standard_LRS. | string | "Standard_LRS" |
no |
managed_disk_type | Specifies the type of managed disk to create. Value you must be either Standard_LRS or Premium_LRS. Cannot be used when vhd_uri is specified. | string | "Standard_LRS" |
no |
node_count | The number of Nodes to create | string | "1" |
no |
os_disk_prefix | Optional os disk name prefix to use for managed disk attached to the virtual machine | string | "" |
no |
os_disk_size_gb | (Optional) Specifies the size of the os disk in gigabytes. Default 32 GB | string | "32" |
no |
ssh_key_path | Path to the public key to be used for ssh access to the VM. Default is ~/.ssh/ If specifying a path to a certification on a Windows machine to provision a linux vm use the / in the path versus backslash. e.g. c:/home/ | string | "~/.ssh/" |
no |
tags | (Optional) A map of the tags to use on the resources that are deployed with this module. Tags will be merged with those defined by the resource group. | map | { "source": "Terraform" } |
no |
use_loadbalancer | When set to true, the Virtual Network Interfaces will be assigned to the backend_address_pool_id. Default = true | string | "true" |
no |
vm_name | Name of the virtual machine. | string | "linuxcomputevm" |
no |
vm_nic_name | (Optional) Name of the Network interface for the VM | string | "" |
no |
vm_os_id | The resource ID of the image that you want to deploy if you are using a custom image. | string | "" |
no |
vm_os_offer | (Required, when not using image resource) Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machine. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. | string | "UbuntuServer" |
no |
vm_os_publisher | (Required, when not using image resource) Specifies the publisher of the image used to create the virtual machine. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. | string | "Canonical" |
no |
vm_os_sku | (Required, when not using image resource) Specifies the SKU of the image used to create the virtual machine. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. | string | "16.04-LTS" |
no |
vm_os_version | (Optional) Specifies the version of the image used to create the virtual machine. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. | string | "latest" |
no |
vm_size | Azure VM Size to use. See: | string | "Standard_B2s" |
no |
Name | Description |
admin_username | |
availability_set_id | id of the availability set where the vms are provisioned. |
availability_set_name | Name of the availability set where the vms are provisioned. |
node_names | |
node_private_ips | private ip addresses of the vm nics |
vm_ids | Virtual machine ids created. |
The backend_address_pool_id requires the load balancer to be created before the linux_vm can be created.