A Python util for automatically adding extra log fields to logs.
This project is published to PyPI and can be installed using:
pip install py-logging-context==0.1.1
import logging
from py_logging_context import LoggingContext, LoggingContextInjectingFilter
logger = logging.getLogger()
with LoggingContext(request_id="some-id", user_name="John Doe"):
# The output log record will include `request_id` and `user_name` fields, which can be printed by formatters such
# as python-json-logger's JsonFormatter (see https://github.com/madzak/python-json-logger).
logger.info("Hello world!")
This library is implemented using Python's Context Variables, and
therefore works in multithreaded settings as well as with asyncio
. This is in contrast to solutions based on
thread-local data, which will not work as intended with async functions (such as
This is a lightweight library and has no additional dependencies.