Data and codes used to perform genome re-annotation, weighted gene co-expression analyses, and differential gene expression analyses of below paper
Environmental gradients reveal stress hubs predating plant terrestrialization Armin Dadras, Janine M. R. Fürst-Jansen, Tatyana Darienko, Denis Krone, Patricia Scholz, Tim P. Rieseberg, Iker Irisarri, Rasmus Steinkamp, Maike Hansen, Henrik Buschmann, Oliver Valerius, Gerhard H. Braus, Ute Hoecker, Marek Mutwil, Till Ischebeck, Sophie de Vries, Maike Lorenz, Jan de Vries bioRxiv 2022.10.17.512551; doi:
If we used any publicly available sequence for an analysis, we gathered them from this sources (sorted by the priorities):
- Phytozome
- The supplamentary files of the paper which sequenced or annotated a genome
- Any website mentioned on the paper which sequenced or annotated a genome
To save space, we just put a file containing the name of files (organisms) which were used for each genome re-annotation step. All RNAseq reads have been uploaded to NCBI SRA and can be accessed under Bioproject PRJNA832564 and SRA accessions SRR18936040 to SRR18936170.
The files (codes and results) that we gathered while we were compiling the response letters to the reviewers' concerns and improving the manuscript are available here: The files are too big to be published in GitHub without a paid plan.