diffmongo -- a command-line diff tool for MongoDb databases/collections It's goal to update MongoDb collections without drop/restore procedure them.
This tool was developed for APICrafter project, to keep sane updated of production MongoDb collection. APICrafter is a data platform that provided access to high quality datasets via API.
This module uses datadifflib - https://github.com/datacoon/datadifflib
- Generates action list of changes of MongoDb collections
- Generates text file of index of MongoDb collections
Python version 3.6 or greater is required.
Find README.md in 'examples' directory.
To use example, please use data in this directory
Run 'mongorestore', it will create two collections - massfounders and mold
Run command to generate action list .. code-block:: bash
$ diffmongo compare -fd massfounders -fc massfounders -td massfounders -tc mold -i inn -o difftable.csv
it will produce file difftable.csv with list of actions:
- "a" - to add record
- "d" - to delete record
- "c" - to update changed record
Run command to apply actions from actions file
$ diffmongo apply -df difftable.csv -fd massfounders -fc massfounders -td massfounders -tc mold
it will read file difftable.csv and apply each action to the collection mold
$ diffmongo [flags] [command] <parameter1> <parameter2> ... <parameterX>
- apply Apply diff table to the MongoDb collection
- compare Compares to MongoDB collections and generates table of...
- indexcoll Index single collection