This is the official repository for the Hike Tracker Project, developed by Team 10 from the Software Engineering II Course at Politecnico di Torino.
From the project directory, start up the application by running docker compose up
Open the terminal from the backend folder and run the following command:
sudo docker image build -t se2team10/se2hiketracker:be .
This will build a Docker image with the name se2team10/se2hiketracker and tagname be.
Run the following command:
docker push se2team10/se2hiketracker:be
Run the following command:
docker run -p 8080:5000 se2team10/se2hiketracker:be
This command binds the port 5000 configured in the container to the TCP port 8080, accessible from the browser.
Open the terminal from the frontend folder and run the following command:
sudo docker image build -t se2team10/se2hiketracker:fe .
This will build a Docker image with the name se2team10/se2hiketracker and tagname fe.
Run the following command:
docker push se2team10/se2hiketracker:fe
Run the following command:
docker run -p 8080:5000 se2team10/se2hiketracker:fe
This command binds the port 5000 configured in the container to the TCP port 8080, accessible from the browser.
Table hike
contains all the hikes details
ID | name | length (km) | expected_time (h) | ascent (m) | difficulty | start_point | end_point | description |
1 | Monte Tivoli | 5 | 02:00 | 410 | T | Crissolo | Monte Tivoli | Really easy and frequented hike |
Table location
contains all the information of one specific point
location_name | latitude | longitude | city | province | hike_ID | start_end |
Crissolo | 44.415886 | 7.09184 | Crissolo | Cuneo | 1 | start |
Table user
contains all user details
ID | name | surname | password | salt | role | verified | |
2 | Jennifer | Lopez | [email protected] | 8b6050d373a65ad78349c9baa7c9b93b60c4ce7c4de47b9ac6f0e57afebd36c8 | 44f4316added2354 | Local guide | 1 |
Table parking_lot
contains all the parking lot
ID | name | capacity | latitude | longitude | city | province | user_ID |
1 | Parcheggio di Cortavetto | 100 | 45.10281 | 7.16555 | Cortavetto | Torino | 3 |
Table reference_point
contains all the reference point for each hike
ID | name | type | latitude | longitude | city | province | user_ID |
1 | Villaggio Albaron | village | 45.30241 | 7.224057 | Balme | Torino | 1 |
Table hut
contains all the huts
ID | name | description | opening_time | closing_time | bed_num | altitude | latitude | longitude | city | province | phone | website | user_ID | |
1 | Rifugio Ca Asti | string description | 08:00 | 22:00 | 60 | 2854 | 45.10281 | 7.16555 | Rocciamelone | Torino | phone number | [email protected] | | 1 |
Table hike_user
contains relation between table hike and table user
hike_ID | user_ID |
1 | 1 |
Table hike_gpx
contains relation between table hike and table hike_gpx
ID | gpx | hike_ID |
1 | string xml | 1 |
Table hike_user_ref
contains relation between table hike , table user and table reference_point
hike_ID | user_ID | ref_ID | ref_type |
5 | 1 | 2 | point |
Table hike_user_parking
contains relation between table hike , table user and table parking lot
hike_ID | user_ID | parking_ID | ref_type |
32 | 3 | 3 | point |
Table hike_user_hut
contains relation between table hike , table user and table hut
ID | path | hut_ID | type |
3 | 1 | 1 | point |
Table hike_image
contains all the images
hike_ID | user_ID | hike_ID | ref_type |
1 | path | 1 | cover |
Table border
contains the coordinates that delimit a municipality
ID | coordinates |
1001 | set of coordinates |
Table municipality
contains all the cities for each province
ID | name | province_ID |
1272 | Torino | 1 |
Table province
contains all the provinces of Piedmont
ID | name | province_ID |
1 | 1 | Torino |
Table region
contains all Italian regions
ID | name |
1 | Piemonte |
- Local guide
Email: [email protected]
Password: Localguide1!
Email: [email protected]
Password: Localguide1!
Email: [email protected]
Password: Localguide1!
- Platform manager
Email: [email protected]
Password: Manager4!
- Hiker
Email: [email protected]
Password: Hikerhiker2!
Email: [email protected]
Password: Hikerhiker2!
Email: [email protected]
Password: Hikerhiker2!
- Hut worker
Email: [email protected]
Password: Hutworker3!
Email: [email protected]
Password: Hutworker3!
Email: [email protected]
Password: Hutworker3!
Matricola | Surname | Name |
s301270 | Gangemi | Lorenzo |
s305535 | Santo | Lorenzo |
s299724 | Zhu | Fayou |
s306136 | Di Benedetto | Giovanna |
s303280 | Mlaiji | Manar |
s295413 | Giangreco | Samuele |