The goal of the project is to produce useful visualizations and statistics for Oakland's campaign finance data, starting with the November 2014 mayoral race.
Meeting notes can be found in this Google Doc.
To start, you'll need ruby installed.
rbenv install 2.1.0
Then install bundler and foreman:
gem install bundler
gem install foreman
Now you can install the other dependencies with:
bundle install --without=production
You should be all set. Run the app like this:
foreman start
Then, to get a local copy of all the data:
bundle exec ruby backend/load_data.rb
The raw, original, separated-by-year data can be found on Oakland's "NetFile" site here:
We process that data in a nightly ETL process. Every day (or so) this dataset is updated with the latest version of the data. There is a data dictionary of what all the columns mean here.
Current technology choices to-date:
- Javascript/HTML/CSS
- D3.js for visualization
- Ruby (probably) for backend data acquisition and processing
- Neo4j (graph database) for storying and querying contributions data
The raw data needs to be cleaned. A few common problems are:
- Misspellings
- Mischaracterized/vague occupation
Trying out an "agile" approach, with a basic first version:
- Clean a sample dataset (for one point in time) using a list of rules we come up with
- Use cleaned dataset to answer the below 5 key questions
- Then try to automate the cleaning to the extent possible for automatic updates/dynamic data
(Click a question to be taken to the GitHub Issue for that question.)
1. Who are the top 5-10 contributors to each campaign? (people or company)
var gsheet = "";
Tabletop.init( { key: gsheet,
callback: setTheScene,
wanted: ["SHEETi"], ##can haz multiple sheets
debug: true } );
function setTheScene(data, tabletop){
$.each( tabletop.sheets("SHEETi").all(), function(i, sheeti) {
var insertRow = [];
insertRow[0] = sheeti.columnname; #enter column name here
ARRAY.push(insertRow); ## push to array of choice