A mini neural network framework,but currently only supported Convolutional neural network.
The rest is still under development.
It is very easy to use.
#include "miniLearn.h"
This has a simple mnist training.
#include "struct/CSV.h"
mnist_train mnist;
double *b = new double[10 * 1000]{ 0 };
double *c = new double[784 * 1000];
mnist.getbatch(b, c, 1000); //Read 1000 training samples
miniLearn mLearn;
Graph& graph = mLearn.CreateGraph(); //Generate an operation diagram
Tensor y_ = mLearn.Constant(b, 10 * 1000, { 10,1,1,1 }, 1000); //Initialize constants using b
Tensor x_image = mLearn.Constant(c, 784 * 1000, { 28,28,1,1 }, 1000);
Tensor w_conv1 = mLearn.Variable(0, 0.1, { 5,5,1,32 }); //Initialize variable are normally distributed
Tensor b_conv1 = mLearn.Variable(0.1, { 1,1,32,1 }); //Initialize variable are all 0.1
Tensor h_conv1 = mLearn.Relu(mLearn.add(mLearn.Convolution(x_image, w_conv1, { 1,1,1,1 }, SAME), b_conv1));//Convolution and activation
Tensor h_pool1 = mLearn.MaxPool(h_conv1, { 2,2,1,1 }, { 2,2,1,1 }, SAME); //Pool
Tensor w_conv2 = mLearn.Variable(0, 0.1, { 5,5,32,64 });
Tensor b_conv2 = mLearn.Variable(0.1, { 1,1,64,1 });
Tensor h_conv2 = mLearn.Relu(mLearn.add(mLearn.Convolution(h_pool1, w_conv2, { 1,1,1,1 }, SAME), b_conv2));
Tensor h_pool2 = mLearn.MaxPool(h_conv2, { 2,2,1,1 }, { 2,2,1,1 }, SAME);
Tensor w_fc1 = mLearn.Variable(0, 0.1, { 1024,49 * 64,1,1 });
Tensor b_fc1 = mLearn.Variable(0.1, { 1024,1,1,1 });
Tensor h_pool2_flat = mLearn.reshape(h_pool2, { 49 * 64,1,1,1 }); //Reset shape
Tensor h_fc1 = mLearn.Relu(mLearn.add(mLearn.matmul(h_pool2_flat, w_fc1), b_fc1));//Fully connected
Tensor h_fc1_drop = mLearn.Dropout(h_fc1, 0.8); //Dropout
Tensor w_fc2 = mLearn.Variable(0, 0.1, { 10,1024,1,1 });
Tensor b_fc2 = mLearn.Variable(0.1, { 10,1,1,1 });
Tensor y_fc2 = mLearn.add(mLearn.matmul(h_fc1_drop, w_fc2), b_fc2);
Tensor y_conv = mLearn.Softmax(y_fc2); //Calculate prediction result
Tensor cross = mLearn.neg(mLearn.reduce_sum(mLearn.hadamard(y_, mLearn.log(y_conv)), 0));//Calculate loss
graph.train.GradientDescent(0.005f, cross); //Gradient descent for optimization
double x_test[784 * 2] = { 0 };
double y_test[10 * 2] = { 0 };
mnist_test m_test;
Tensor pre_bool = Tensor(0, { 1,1,1,2 });
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i += 2) //Test 100 samples,2 samples as a goup
memset(y_test, 0, sizeof(y_test));
m_test.getbatch(y_test, x_test, 2);
Tensor &x = mLearn.refreshTensor(x_image); //Reload new data for x_image
x.replaceBatch(x_test, 784 * 2, 2);
Tensor &y = mLearn.refreshTensor(y_);
y.replaceBatch(y_test, 10 * 2, 2);
mLearn.run(y_conv); //Calculate y_conv
Tensor y_pre = mLearn.refreshTensor(y_conv);
y_ = mLearn.refreshTensor(y_); //Refresh y_ value
pre_bool.variableSplice(equal(argmax(y_pre, 0), argmax(y_, 0))); //Calculate the number of equals and recorded to pre_bool
pre_bool.variableMerge(0, 2);
pre_bool.variableMerge(1, 2);
cout << accuracy(pre_bool); //Output correct rate ≈ 0.86
Current frame performance is poor,calculation is slow and code bloated.
I am also learning.Welcome to communicate with each other.The code will continue to improve.