The original list of language models with pretraining precision information was taken from the post by Stas Bekman and Stella Biderman (
float16 (mixed precision)
- allenai/longformer - paper 4, “we employed mixed precision training (floating points 16 and 32) using apex12 to reduce memory consumption and speed-up training. However, we kept the attention computation in fp32 to avoid numerical instability issues.”
- allenai/led - same as allenai/longformer
- lvwerra/codeparrot - informed by the creator of the model 1
- facebook/m2m100_418M (and others) train info 3
- eleutherai/gpt-neox-20b (doesn’t exist yet, but including for the sake of future-proofing) - as shown in the configs 4. The paper also states that the model was in fp16, see “Appendix B: Full Configuration Details.” Finally, Stella Biderman’s official announcement on Twitter 1 also includes a link to download both “full” weights and “slim” weights which implies mixed precision was used
- facebook/esm2 "we train with --fp16 which implements "Mixed Precision" "(facebookresearch/esm#283 (comment)) (facebookresearch/esm#259)
bfloat16 (mixed precision)
- google/mobilebert - paper 5, “we train IB-BERTLARGE on 256 TPU v3 chips”
- eleutherai/gpt-neo-1.3b - shown in the config file 11
- eleutherai/gpt-j-6b - shown in the GitHub readme 13
- google/pegasus-cnn_dailymail - XXX: needs reference
- google/pegasus-xsum - XXX: needs reference
- google/mt5 - most likely same as t5
- google/t5-v1.1 - most likely same as t5 according to (
- google/t5 - paper 12 “TPU v3 chips”
- razent/SciFive paper(arXiv:2106.03598) p.2 "TPU v2-8 on Google Colab"
- bigscience/T0 and other T0* models (trained on TPUs, confirmed on bigscience slack)
float32 (full precision)
- EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B - the model’s config file 4 doesn’t specify precision and the codebase 2 defaults to fp32
- gsarti/it5-base 1 and other it5-* - stated by creator 4 (JAX-trained)
models to be added
- PubmedBERT paper(arXiv:2007.15779) p.13 "DGX-2 machine with 16 V100 GPUs"
Stas Bekman & Stella Biderman Model pre-training precision database: fp16, fp32, bf16