Vectorizes a captured image of a drawn construction plan component.
V0.0.8 for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS V0.0.7 for Ubuntu 20.04. LTS
- Install pdfunite (contained in poppler-utils)
sudo apt install poppler-utils
- Install pdfjam (contained in texlive-extra-utils) - takes a few minutes
sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils
- Download the executable
from the latest production release and run it via
(at the location of the file) - TODO: Add instructions on adding a Desktop entry to start the application with a double-click
- Make sure git is installed. If not (e.g. on a new machine):
sudo apt install git
. - Install zlib
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
. - Install pip
sudo apt install python-pip
. - Clone this repo to a location of your choice.
- Install pyenv.
For instructions, see
Also run (from pyenv common build problems)sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl
- Install python 3.8.6 with pyenv
pyenv install 3.8.6
- Install pipenv and do
pipenv install
beforepipenv shell
inside planvec.
For instructions, see - Go to your cloned repo and do
pipenv install
andpipenv shell
. - Install a new ipykernel to be used inside a jupyter notebook:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name planvec --display-name "planvec env"
- Install pdfunite (contained in poppler-utils)
sudo apt install poppler-utils
- Install pdfjam (contained in texlive-extra-utils) - takes a few minutes
sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils
Before using those make sure you have the pipenv shell activated, i.e.
cd <path/to/planvec/>
pipenv shell
This will run the main GUI to convert drawings to pdfs via vision.
There are couple of convenience scripts in planvec/scripts
folder. For example the
to run planvec on a single shot image taken with the camera without any GUI.
A utility tool to filter out color (ranges) from the webcam input. Can be used to determine the
HSV values for color filters when doing image processing. Note to set the camera index in the script correctly.
The pdf_jammer command line tool informs you about the location of the created pdf's. This is how you laser-cut them.
- Get the files on the Laser-Cutter PC
- Open the PDF in Corel Draw (not Inkscape!)
- Select all (Ctrl+A) and set the line width to "Hairline" at the center top in the tool bar
- One sid-effect is that this creates black boundary boxes around the individual gripper drawings which would yield
slow engraving. The get rid of the black lines do:
- Select All (Ctr+A) & Ungroup (possibly several times)
- Unselect and while pressing Alt, select the boxes only by dragging in-between the gripper drawings horizontally
- With two or three strokes you should be able to select all boundaries and delete them with Delete
- Ctrl+P for printing. Select 5mm Wood.
- Sent the print job which you can then position on the plate appropriately.
- Do not forget vector ordering.
Matthäus Heer, [email protected]