released this
24 Dec 16:27
fixed php icon not showin on 3095.
"Seti_in_4_a_treat" / "Seti_rainbow" / "Seti_sb_wild" options removed.
many new options added, plz check readme.
you can now remove the tab scrolling arrows & drop down while maintaining the scrolling capability through "Seti_no_scroll_icons".
lots of fixes for both themes + some changes.
changed the "GoTo anything" & "Code Compilation DropDown" panel color to match the quick panel, i overlooked those the first time.
removed the (light/medium/dark) options, so now you will have the same theme color regardless of which tone your scheme have.
tab orange button option now works on Retina.
the Seti Scheme atm is a big mess , so all are removed except "Seti_monokai"
fixed blade icon not showing after the latest updates.
'.env' is now supported (install Generic Config package)
the sidebar group icons are now hidden by default, use "Seti_show_group_arrows" to bring them back.
Readme updated.
if your flow got effected 'not in a good way' by the new update, plz let me know.
You can’t perform that action at this time.