TeamCity buildlog processor plugin
This plugin parse Error and Text messages by regex format(default - "http.://.:.@.") and replace it with "*****".
The regex can be provided with "hide.regex" configuration parameter for specific build
- Build
Run 'mvn clean package' command from the root project to build your plugin.
Resulting package .zip will be placed in ctco-buildlog-processor-teamcity-plugin module 'target' directory.
- Install
To install the plugin, put zip archive to 'plugins' dir under TeamCity data directory and restart the server.
- Deploy
To Build and Deploy artifact to remote repository(docs):
Note: Since maven-deploy-plugin version 2.8:
mvn clean package deploy:deploy -DaltSnapshotDeploymentRepository=serverId::default::https://hostname/repository
mvn clean package deploy:deploy -DaltReleaseDeploymentRepository=serverId::default::https://hostname/repository